Monday, June 9, 2008

Trying to be "normal" again

Things are going well! We are starting to feel a little guilty because we are trying to do things as normal as possible. That means EATING! ;o) We ate at a Mexican restaurant today and shared our story with some of the Mexican waiters. Everywhere we go people ask questions about her and we get to share what God is doing with her tiny body. Annie continues to open up doors for us wherever we go. We know God has huge plans for her!

As you can see from these pictures, she is doing much better physically. We still have a way to go before she is healed, but we are claiming her as a miracle! Many of you have commented on how she looks healed already. Her hand looks so much better and we are very excited about that! Under her clothing she still has a long way to go, but little by little we see God healing each and every burn! She still has some psychological problems that we are trying to overcome. Please be in prayer for all of us tomorrow as we will meet with the Medical Dr. at 7:oo am. We will also be talking with a psychologist about some of her fears and how we can handle them. Pray for a calm Annie. We are hoping that tomorrow will be the day when Annie is given the green light to go home! We shall see. Thank you all for praying and for loving and for being the wonderful support we all needed. This blog has done more for us than I could have ever imagined! I would like to thank our supervisor, for setting it up! Greg and I are not real computer savvy and he had it set up within a matter of minutes. It has ministered to our hearts over and over again!

I would like to say that many of you have sent emails saying how you want to leave a comment and are unable to do so. I tried to do that and if you click the envelope you are sending an email, if you click on the word comment, it should give you the option to jump to comment form, and that SHOULD allow you to post a comment. Hope this helps all of you who, like me, are not "blogheads".

We will post an update tomorrow as soon as we know what the doctor says is in our future! Love and hugs to you all!