Sunday, April 26, 2009

Day of fun with our church group!

If you look here, you don't see many bathing suits, I don't think I saw but a few the whole day, other than my family's.

Annie is always the center of attention!

Barbara and her son playing.

This it Moises, Francisca and Esmerelda.

This is me with my good friend, Barbara, we had a wonderful day today. We talked about some things that had been bothering both of us! Her son has been bullying Jerod and today we got that all out on the table. I felt 100% better after talking this over!

Jerod and Alex with 3 of our friends, they had a great day! It was just what we all needed!

I don't know who he is, but I had to take the picture because he was trying to kill the bees with a butcher knife. It was just too much.

This is Annie and Yesica, they had a blast!

Angelica, Lupita, and Salvador, the parents stayed dressed like this all day long! They had to be sooo hot! However, we were just glad they came!

Hi everyone! Today was a super duper day! We have been trying to plan a fun day for our church for some time now. Well today was the day! We got together our friends and headed to a water park that wasn't to far away and had a great day! Yes today is Sunday, but remember, we have church on Monday and Friday here and the only day they don't work is on Sunday. So, this was the only day to do it. Just in case you were thinking, "How dare you?" Not that any of YOU would think that, right? ;o) (Habib)

Anyway, it is so fun to go to a water park and when you get there 10 people come up to you and say, " Melissa, did you bring me something to wear?" You have got to be kidding me? I mean, I understand the women, because they don' t have clothes to wear in the pool. So, I generally come prepared for most of them. However, some of the men came up and asked if we brought them shorts. They all have shorts! So, Greg ended up giving them all of his spare clothing as well. It was interesting!
Then when it comes time to eat, "Melissa, do you have salt, do you have plates, do you have cups, do you have napkins?" Now, people in the states always wonder why I always pack everything in my house when I go somewhere, it's because everyone always expects me to have everything they forgot! The strange thing is, I always do. I think now it is more a challenge, what are they gonna ask me?
I wanted to get a picture of some of the people at other tables. The clothing people wear to these water parks is really priceless! I mean, if I could have taken a picture of the footwear they wore to the water park, I think you would have had a really good laugh!! There were cowboy boots, work boots, tennis shoes, wing tipped dress shoes, penny loafers, you name it, they were there! All except for probably flip flops. (well I had those on, but other than mine, there weren't many!) I am not saying this to make fun of these people just to show you the difference in the water park attire here and in the states! I mean, can you imagine a man walking into a water park in the states with his shorts, and shirt and cowboy boots and cowboy hat and he takes off the cowboy boots and hat and then gets in the pool? Well, that is about how it happens!
Thanks for your continued prayers for our safety! We felt them today as no one was hurt and we had 30 of our friends from church together on this trip. Please continue to pray for all of us. Love you all! Missy