Monday, June 13, 2011

Pictures of Mexican fun

Our trip to Oaxaca and Puebla Mexico.
We had a great time seeing old friends and new places. Hope you like the pictures!

Incredible view on the drive there. The pictures don't even come close to
showing just how breathtaking it really was! Annie kept saying, "This is amazing!"

Jerod and Skippy (Mexican cousin) ready for paintball

This is Jerod and Alex ready for battle and then that is me in the background having no idea what I was getting myself into.

This is a fellow M and he looks really worried, doesn't he?

Jerod having fun.

Annie waiting for us to finish having fun.

Alex showing how it is done.

This is why I named it PAIN ball. ;o) This was taken just an hour after we played.

This was Mikayla, Skippy and our family (minus Daddy) on a hunt for the location of scenes from Nacho Libre, which was filmed in Oaxaca.

This is from one of the scenes.

Me and my babies after paintball.

This is in the same place Nacho Libre was filmed.

This was at the entrance to the alley where they filmed.

We saw this on our way to Puebla. It was an advertisment about the end fo the world happening on May 21, 2011. Of course we passed by it on May 27, 2011. ;o)

This was another sight we saw on our trip. The PPMAN truck. We just love stuff like this!

This is one of our favorites! The bridge to nowhere. Greg says this shows that even in Mexico when politicians run out of money, their pet projects just end. Kinda like this bridge, it just ends. ;o)

This is Annie and another Mexican cousin, Jessica playing Putt-Putt.


Annie and Daphca playing at the park. Daphca wasn't too happy about all the attention she was getting!

Alex, Mikayla, and Annie playing.

Mexican music, nothing like it!

This is something that is very popular in Oaxaca to eat as a snack.... Grasshoppers. So... I am no a true M!

Cute lil fella

Annie wasn't quite sure.



I really ate it! It wasn't that bad either.

Annie at a water park.

Daphca liked playing with the water but not in it!

Lunch.... It was delicious!

Here is one way to eat it....

and here is another. ;o)

Mexican cousins, Friends for life!

Mexican sisters, friends for life!

We don't have these taxis where we live, but they were so cute we had to take a picture.

Antique market, this was similar to a flea market, really neat stuff.

Annie was drawn to rusty nails, go figure!

Now that is fruit! This is one thing that is far better south of the border, HANDS down!!!

Just ask them.

Well, there you have it, pictures from our wonderful trip. We have had a great time and are really looking forward to having Greg back with us! He will arrive home soon and we will spend a few more days together here before we return home. Please pray for our travels home. We appreciate all your prayers, we feel them everyday! Love to all! Missy