Tuesday, August 25, 2009

We're BACK!

That is Jerod on the left side of the log.

He was so proud!

Jerod during evening activities.
Alex and his counselor, Ross.

Can you say, "Crazy?"

Alex doing the "Jiho"

Annie doing her tumbling routine.

Annie teaching the "Jiho"

Jerod crying as he said good-bye to his friends, boo hoo!

Jerod's cabin.

Annie on her favorite horse, Little Red, how fitting?

Alex showing a little enthusiasm.

The view from Cheerio.

Me and my "Honey!"

Jerod celebrating his 13th birthday at Macadoos in Boone.

Jerod and his cousin, Marissa.

Mama Say and her nutty grandchildren!

Honey and MamaSay on her 65Th birthday.

Honey taking Mason and Alex on a 4 wheeler ride.

Now it is Annie and Jerod's turn.

Cousins by chance, friends by choice!

Our welcome home sign, how sweet!

Hi friends! I know it has been a while since I posted. I didn't have my computer and I didn't have Internet access where I was staying, so it was a little difficult to keep you updated. However, after I posted about Jerod things did start to change for him so I really appreciated all of your prayers! I must say we were all a little shocked and weren't ready for the language that 12 and 13 year old children are using today. So, we didn't prepare Jerod for the possibility of hearing bad language or dirty jokes once the lights were turned out at camp. This is in no way a reflection of the camp or the counselors, it is just the way SOME 12 and 13 year old children are when they aren't around adults and we just didn't know that. Anyway, Jerod just didn't know how to fit in with this group of kids and he felt bad about being around them. Once we worked through that, he was fine and had a really good time at camp and wants to go back next year if possible.

Alex on the other hand, had the time of his life and although he heard a few choice words he didn't mention it until Friday afternoon. He loved every aspect of camp and thought that his counselors hung the moon. He RAN everywhere and cheered about everything. I definitely think that some university has a future mascot on their hands, because this child has more enthusiasm/energy than I do and let me tell you that is A LOOOOOT!!! We can't say enough thank yous for the prayers that were said on our behalf!
It was brought to my attention on Wednesday that my children were getting an enormous amount of mail. Heehee! So I want to personally thank you all for sending mail to the boys! (and me too) They said they felt so special and they were so happy to be getting so much mail! So, MANY MANY thanks to you all!
After camp we drove to my parent's mountain house and spent the weekend with MamaSay and Honey (my parents) and my niece and nephew, Marissa and Mason. We celebrated Jerod's 13Th birthday and my mom's 65Th birthday. They share the same birthday and we had fun celebrating it together! We then headed back to Wake Forest where we are going to try to find some kind of routine. We were welcomed with this precious sign by one of our neighbors. What a nice thing to come home to! Greg's mom, "Grandma" will be arriving tomorrow and she will be spending a few days with us here. We can't wait to show her all around our big town! School will start soon, but for now we are enjoying family time. Love you all! Missy