Thursday, July 15, 2010

Doing well....

Hi friends! I only have a second because I am supposed to be resting, but now that I have energy, it is hard to stop! I guess that is a woman thing. Anyway, thank you all for your prayers, we are all healthy today! Who knows what tomorrow will bring, but today we are well! Praise the Lord! Really, do it! :o)

I just want you all to know that we are doing so well here. We had a super day of visiting old friends who have sorta left the church and had fun encouraging them and praying with them. They plan on returning soon, so we will see. We also had a great visit with a lady whom we had never met. She asked us if we would start a weekly time with about 20 kids in her home. She asked if we could play games with them and do crafts with them and possibly teach them some English. We are so excited about this opportunity. Especially since it was her idea and we can use The Word to teach the English. Please pray that this goes well and we can start something really wonderful with this group of children.

Gotta go, sleep awaits! Love you, Missy