Monday, August 25, 2008

Monday Madness

Have I told you how much we love Mondays? WE LOVE Mondays! Tonight was a little different, usually we say to come at 6pm and they show up at 6:30, tonight however, some came at 7 and some at 8. The rain played a part in this as they all have to walk and it isn't very comfortable in the rain. So we understood and it really didn't effect much of the night. As usual we had a total of 25 people and as usual we had some old friends not come and had one new friend come!

Please pray for Salvador. He is a new believer who is also a recovering alcoholic. He has done so well with his fight against alcohol! However, now his problem is that his mom is dying of cancer. She is pictured with Annie on July 6th and again on the 10th. She is 80 years old and the doctors say she has had cancer for four years. However, she just started showing signs of being ill about a month ago. Salvador is having a very difficult time with the fact that God would allow this to happen to his mom. He usually comes every Monday night but tonight he did not come. His wife said he is losing his faith. Many of his family members are wanting to have a witch doctor come and try to heal her. We plan on meeting with Salvador and his mom on Wednesday and hopefully share with them about the healing power of THE Great Physician. It may not be in His will to heal her physically, but I know it IS His will to heal her spiritually. Please pray that somehow we can get across to him that bad things happen to good people. WE should know! :o) I say that with a smile!

I titled this Monday Madness because it is always crazy right up until the house is cleaned up and the kids are in bed. Monday nights bring a LOT of dirt into our home! Our roads are dirt roads, so it is all brought inside on Mondays! School is going great, but it does make for a really crazy Monday! I wanted to thank all of you for your continued interest in our lives. I hear from many of you who say you read this daily. I really hope I don't disappoint you with my boring entries! Love you all!

Family Fun

Sorry, I took a few days off from the blog. We had a great time at the beach and enjoyed lots of family fun. We came home and started to get ready for Jerod's small birthday party. It is soooo different here! We just threw the party together. We told Jerod's friends we were having a party at 2:00 on Saturday and that was all we needed to do. He planned some games for them to do and had cake and nachos. VERY simple and so stress-free! There were no flashy presents and nothing really exciting about the party, but they still had fun! They had fun playing party games and then afterwards they just played with old toys, built forts with trash and just laughed a lot. After being here for about 6 hours, they all went home. Great day! Thank you for your birthday comments, he really enjoyed them. I have now sent out our monthly newsletter so if you requested to get it and did not, please let me know. Thanks! I will try to add a picture of his birthday party tomorrow. Have a great day!