Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Annie is out of the hospital!

Hi everyone,
We have just arrived at a hotel that a church here in Galveston arranged for us to stay in for now. Annie was discharged from the hospital and is now trying to rest comfortably here in her new environment. She is doing well but, still has a great deal of pain in her hand and when she goes potty. Please continue to pray for a quick recovery. She has to learn to walk again as her legs were badly burnt, and how to use her right hand as it was burnt bad too. She will receive that therapy at Shriners Hospital here for the next 2 weeks. She is exhausted and is going to have a hard day tomorrow, she will definitely need your prayers then! She will have her first bath at noon EST tomorrow and her first physical therapy session at 4:00pm EST. We have been warned that this will NOT be a very fun day for any of us. We are so thankful that we have 3 friends from our home church,arriving tonight to help us with the boys and Annie. I am continually amazed and brought to tears by the outpouring of love that has been shown to us by our company, many churches all over the world and our precious  friends in Mexico, and The Shriners Hospital here in Galveston and we will never be able to truly express our gratitude to all of the ones who have helped us! We love you all and will continue to update you as much as we can and will add more pictures soon too. Until then..... God Bless You All!!!