Thursday, November 13, 2008

God really is good!

Hi all, I have just returned from the hospital where I had taken my friend, Rosa. She took her husband and her mom with her and they all spoke with the Dr. about her situation. We were all relieved to find out there were no other signs of cancerous cells in other areas. I fully expected them to leave the Dr.'s office and get another opinion. Instead, her mom left his office and said, "We are ignorant. I am glad my daughter has you to look out for her." They then said they wanted her to have the surgery today and unlike the U.S. she had the surgery and left within the hour. So she is now at home resting and we all feel a lot better about her health! So, thank you for your prayers and please keep praying for Cesilia.

Another day......

Hi everyone! I have been trying to post something for the past few days and our internet just would not allow it. So.... today I will try again! Thank you all for your prayers for our friends. I am still trying to post pictures so you can see who you are praying for. Our friend, Cesilia could have one of the toughest weekends of her life coming up. There is a lot of STRONG dislike between her family and her husband's family. Without prayer there are sure to be lots of problems this weekend. Please pray that there are none!

I am taking our friend, Rosa and ALL of her family to the Dr. today. They are talking about getting a second opinion, (my frustration is high right now!) before she receives the laser surgery. So, who knows what will come of today's visit to the Dr. Please pray it all goes well and I remain patient through this whole process. I am finding out that helping people sometimes is tougher than I thought. :o)

On a good note, one of our friends came over to our home and wanted to talk. Her name is Barbara and I mentioned her a few weeks ago. She is the one I said felt like she didn't want to come to our home anymore. She felt like Satan was attacking her. Anyway, she came over and said she had made a very big decision in her life. She said she knew it would change her life in a big way. I was afraid she was going to say that she was going to stop coming on Monday nights. However, she said, I have been praying and I really feel like God is telling me now is the time for me to be baptized. HUGE answer to prayer! She asked us to pray for her husband, Icho because she wasn't sure if he would be in agreement with this decision. So....please pray for Icho and Barbara! We are very excited about this news!

Okay, I have made up for a few days now. Lots to pray about and we couldn't do this job without all of your prayers! I really appreciate all of you who pray for us and who have interest in this blog! You are all precious to us!! I don't know all of you personally, but I can't tell you how happy it makes me to know there are people in this world who care about what we are doing! So... hugs to you all!