Thursday, September 30, 2010

Thank you!

Hi friends! Thank you to my sweet husband for sharing! He needs your prayers tomorrow as he will be traveling from Colombia to Mexico. He will arrive in time to eat a birthday dinner with me and the kids! I just wanted to mention that for all of you that want to make comments about my age, well... you better make sure you are older than me because if you are younger, vengence is MINE! Then, if you are older, well... how can you say anything except... "Welcome to the club!" :o) That ought to keep most of you quiet, unless... you are just a sweet friend and want to say KIND words, and then I will take them! Love you all! Missy

Birthday Blog Break-In

I (Greg) have broken into the blog to leave a post without the blogmasters (Missy's) permission.  Please send her a note to wish her a happy birthday.  She turns 40 (yes 40) on Friday, October 1st. 

Happy Birthday Missy, I love you.  P.S. - As blogmaster, do not go in and delete this post!!!!

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Hi friends! Okay as you can see from the amount of pictures I have added, we have high speed internet! I love this! Of course it is only until Saturday but until then, I am going to enjoy it! Some of these pictures don't need an explanation but I will explain those that do. I did want to ask you all to pray for our friends in Oxaca. It has been hit hard with flooding and mud slides. There could be many that have died or are in need of help and our friends are trying to meet the people's needs as best as they can. Please pray!
Some of the mother's of kids from our English class.


Aunts and cousins hanging out. When you live outside of the US together anyone who is an American pretty much becomes family. (to a point!)

This was a fun sport we participated in when we were together for a prayer retreat. It was a cross between soccer, and sweeping with a hint of donkey in there? :o)

This was Annie and Meredith riding the donkey Annie calls, Keep.

Greg after he scored a goal.

The gang before they went 4-wheelin'.

The gang after they went 4-wheelin'.

Alex and Skippy.

Greg 1 and Greg 2

Love this picture. The man on the bottom was throwing 3 bricks up at a time. They had quite the rhythm going.

Our new home. :0) Our company is cutting back.

A friend.

September 16 is Independence Day here and this was from a parade in our village.

One of Annie's friends. She is adorable!

I love these boys' faces. They had confetti thrown on them and they thought it was hilarious!
One day we went into town to do our weekly shopping and when we came home we found our neighbor's dog in our chimney with 6 little babies.

Little mice faces. Speaking of mice, I can't get rid of them again. They follow me wherever I go. One just ran across the floor. YUCK!!

She is a good mama!

This is a volcano near here.

This is the sister volcano of the first one or vice~versa.

Annie, Jerod, and Alex in front of Fort Guadalupe. We visited there today on a field trip for school.  

Canon in front of the fort.
All of us in the chapel ruins of the fort.  Annie is struting her stuff!

Jerod getting shot out of the canon by Annie and Alex.

Funny faces in the chapel ruins.

Carolyn and I in the ruins. Had a great time spending these past few days with her!

Greg is safe in Columbia and will be back in a few days. We are having fun but missing him too! Hope all of you are well. I will try and post some more in a few days! Love you all! Missy

Saturday, September 25, 2010


Hi friends, Well.....what can I say, I need a vacation. A long one. It is now 12:05am and I am just getting home from church and visiting. The day started a LONG time ago and I still need a shower because I smell like a smoke stack. That wouldn't normally matter except the smell is so strong I think it will keep me up.

As I was sitting around a fire tonight; drinking water with a hint of coffee and tons of sugar in it, I had to smile. This is not at all what I pictured my life like. Not at ALL! However, I was talking to my friends, understanding a lot of what they said in their own language and laughing with them, and I was really enjoying it. Even the coffee~water. :o) I am happy to be with these people whom I call mine. It was interesting as we talked; one of our friends ( a recovering alcoholic) said, I hate it when you are gone; I always feel safer knowing you are here, knowing you will defend me. Of course this made me laugh because we look to them to defend us. So, I hope neither of us needs defending or we could be in trouble! It was nice to hear that they put so much trust in us, so much faith in us and hopefully we can teach them how to put their trust in Jesus and not in us. Anyway, I love my life. I am happy.

Today Greg was hugging Annie and he asked her why he got such a pretty and sweet girl for a daughter. Without hesitation Annie said, "Because you're a M. It's because you are doing the Lord's work; because you obeyed him. That's why you got a pretty, sweet daughter." I laughed so hard! So, I guess all those people with ugly, naughty kids just aren't obedient! :o)

We are off to Puebla tomorrow. We live about 8-9 hours from Puebla and we love to visit there. We will be staying with some friends of ours and enjoying a little bit of R and R. Well, at least the kids and I will. Greg will be off to another country south of here. He is doing some storying training and will be gone for about 5 days. So, we will miss him but we hope to be busy while he is gone. We will still be doing school, so it isn't all R and R, but we will be near a Krispy Kreme! Yep, there is one not too far from where we are staying. They are about $1 a doughnut, but... probably worth it. That is one way to keep you from overeating on doughnuts! So, please pray for us while we are out of our area. Pray for Greg that he will have a nice time and that this training could be helpful to all who attend.

I will have high speed internet this week so plan on seeing lots of pictures! Love to you all! Missy

Sunday, September 19, 2010

The day isn't over!

Okay, so after I wrote the previous post I left and went to our friend's home like I said. I stayed there with them for about an hour but Greg left shortly after I arrived to come home. You see the Colts, Greg's favorite team are playing tonight and it is actually televised. (I was told this is a very special game where both Manning brothers play against eachother and it only happens every 4 years.) So he was really excited about watching them. I returned home at 8 pm our time and started to fix Annie and the boys dinner. (Greg had already eaten) I had just finished doing that when another friend arrives at our door crying, saying she got word from her daughter that her son was in the hospital and had a head injury. She asked if we could take her to the hospital to find out what was wrong. Normally I would do this but since it was so late Greg said he would do it. I mean, it would have been hard to say, " Hey, so sorry that your son has had a bad day and is in the hospital, but the Colts are playing and I really need to see how they do." So... with a very sad face he left and took her to the hospital in the city and said, "Guess it isn't my day to watch the Colts." I really felt for him! So a little while later he calls me and said that Ivan, (the son) was drinking with some friends, they all got in the car to return home and of course being drunk, hit a tree. He was the only one out of the 4 that was hurt. I guess he cut his head pretty bad and they are waiting to see what X-rays say. So, I don't guess Greg will see any of this game. Now that is suffering for Jesus! :o)

Today has been a long day. I was asked many questions by Annie. I must say that our kids learn a lot about life by living here in the village. It is quite educational. For example, today they learned what it was like for a family after they lose a child. They sat in this tiny home, very poor, and watched as a mother grieved her 16 year old son's death. There were tons of candles burning and Annie asked why people burn candles when someone is dead." Do they think the candles help them get to heaven?" Then later when we went to the gravesite of our friend's father she wanted to see the casket being put into the ground. "Is Tata Keri in that box? If he is in heaven why are they praying to Mary to help him get there?" They all see things, like dead bodies lying on a table covered with a sheet or drunk men passed out on the sidewalk, or candles burning  all over a house and all of them are very educational. The boys know that to get into a car with someone they don't think is a good driver, isn't really smart. They also know that when people say don't drink and drive, they say it for a reason. So many lessons. I don't want to overwhelm you with a bunch of bla bla bla, so I will tell you more later. These past few days have definitely allowed us to see that our people are very needy. Needy for a Savior!

 The Colts are up 38-7 and I know that will make my honey very happy! Until later~ Missy

A day in the life...

Many people often ask us what a day is like for us here in the village. Well, I will tell you. Today we woke up, ate breakfast and then got ready to go visit a family that lost their 16 year old son last week in a car accident. We went with about half of our group, many brought things like sugar, beans, rice, salt etc... and others brought a little money to offer them. We visited with them for a while and then left. We came home ate lunch and cleaned up quickly. Greg headed off with Annie to a house where a young brother-in-law of one of our friends was needing some help. He doesn't believe in God and was/is searching, so Greg went to talk with him. The boys stayed home and played Monopoly with their friends and I took one of my friends to the city to visit her sister in the hospital. When we arrived back home we all headed to the cemetary for a funeral of our good friend's father. He was around 80 and was ready to go. It was still sad and Greg is still at his house talking with our friend. ( the son of the deceased)  I brought Annie and the boys home and changed my clothes. ( I was wearing our very uncomfortable native clothing) Then  2 girls came by so I could help them with their English homework. We finished that and the boys meanwhile had started another game of Monopoly, or they were continuing the other game I'm not sure. So now I have to go back to my friend's home where Greg is; and help clean up the mess that was made from all the people eating. I am in a hurry but just had to share what a day was like here in the village. I will tell you more in detail about some of our day, later, but just wanted to take the 10 minutes I had and share what was on my heart. Love you all! Missy

p.S. I know gramatically this is torture to read, but....sorry!

Friday, September 17, 2010

Karl's a comin'!

Hi friends! I know I have been bad and haven't posted in a week. I just feel like I run 100 miles an hour and then when I have time, getting on the computer is the last thing I want to do. But... I am here now and will give you brief updates on everything.

Adolfo was admitted into the hospital on Monday with some serious issues of an ignored enlarged prostate and that caused him many complications. Poor fellow has had a tough few weeks. However, he seems to be doing much better and the family now realizes how seriousily ill he was. Please keep praying for him as he will have to go back to the hospital in the future for some surgery, once he is stronger.

School is going well except that it wears me out! I don't know how teacher's do it! Teaching 3 different grades is tough; even though a lot of Jerod's is through DVD teachers. Anyway, we are doing well and are rejoicing over the growth of our group. It seems like each week we find someone elst that might be interested. Greg is spending a lot of time trying to make the visits he needs to make to welcome interested people to our group. We are planning a baptism in the future and we are hopeful that we will have many people  interested in taking this next step in their faith. Please pray they will step out of their comfort zones and follow Jesus' example.

Okay, now about hurricane Karl. Many of you may not know there is a hurricane coming and others may know and wonder where we are in Mexico. So, to answer both questions; there is a hurricane expected to hit the east coast of Mexico today. It is expected to be category 3 and will probably cause a lot of damage if it does what they say it will. We don't live near the east coast, so we will not be directly hit. We are in the middle of rainy season so we have a lot of rain everyday. However, with this hurricane coming we will probably receive a lot more. So.... we SHOULD be okay. We do have many friends who are on the east coast and this could hit them with a great force. This could be very devastating to many here in Mexico. Please pray for our friends and all those who live in the hurricane's path. The homes are not made to withstand high winds and because of that we are asking you all to pray that the hurricane takes a different course and doesn't cause the damage that they are expecting.

Love you all!! Missy

Friday, September 10, 2010

No Internet

Hi friends! I haven't been on here in awhile because we haven't had internet. We still don't, we have come into town to send our emails and put an update on here. I think we will be back up and running by Monday, but we shall see?!?!? We are all doing well. Annie continues to amaze us with her Spanish and is quite outgoing lately. The boys are enjoying school and that is always a blessing for me. Jerod is loving many of his subjects and looks forward to school. He loves a challenge, he is like his daddy! Alex, well he is like me, "What do I have to do to get done the quickest?" Anyway, we are doing well.

Adolfo did go to the Dr. and his daughter went with him. He does have Shingles and isn't doing very well. He is extremely week and has so many bumps all over him and I am the one that has become his nurse. I give him his meds every day and rub lotion all over his bumps. I actually like it because I know how well I was treated and now is my chance to give back a little. Please continue to pray for him.

Group of English students from the street.

Adolfo, a few years back.

Annie selling tp in front of our bathroom!

Our adopted dog, the one that came with our home when we returned is pregnant. I have no idea how to help her when she gets ready to give birth. If anyone has any ideas please let me know. I think she will give birth very soon. Love all of you! Missy

Saturday, September 4, 2010

God is moving!

Well, The House of God as our group formally calls themselves is definitely changing! Tonight when the hour approached to go to church, Greg said, " Well, I don't expect many will come tonight because of the rain." However, Greg was dead wrong. These people amaze me, they really do. Would you walk a mile to get to church; in the rain, in high heels, on a dirt and rock road, with a child on your back? Well I wouldn't either. However, I am not as hungry as these people. SHAME on me, I am sick at how little I care about growing in my faith, I am sick at how my simple mind thinks I had my quiet time, I prayed for 20 people, I should be done for today. These people are willing to do whatever they can just so they can hear more of what the Bible has to say.  We had a full house, I mean we had to bring in 2 extra benches and they kept coming. It was like the floodgate had opened. We had about 45 in total and it was an awesome night!

I was so proud of my little Jerod. He has prayed so hard for his friends and for his group of  kids and by golly if that little group of his isn't growing by leaps and bounds. Each night we have more. Tonight was a night for all boys. There were 11 in all. He is doing a great job and they really love him and well, they understand him far better than they will ever understand me because he talks like a native and well.... I don't. Anyway.... the biggest praise there is that 2 of his friends that he has prayed for, for a long time, have decided to participate the past few weeks. They used to make fun of him and try to bother all the kids while they were doing their craft, but Jerod didn't let it bother him, and now.... well, they are listening instead of being a bother. Yay God!

So after we had a great night together we walked over to Adolfo's house and gathered in his kitchen. From our large group, about 20 of them followed us to pray over Adolfo. It was a sweet time as some of the men placed their hand on Adolfo and prayed for his comfort and healing. He was humbled and very thankful. One woman told him how her daughter was dying and how our group came and prayed over her and now she is healed. It was enough to give you chills. We plan on taking him to the Dr. tomorrow. That is our desire anyway, we will see tomorrow. Please pray  the family allows this and they don't just think of how much money it will cost. Thank you all for praying when you can, and if you do nothing else, just pray for our safety, cuz in this world, I think we all need prayer for that! Love you! Missy

Friday, September 3, 2010

Pray! 9:00pm

Hi everyone, I know most of you, if you read this, you read it at about 7 in the morning or 7 at night. So, for those of you who read this today, please pray for Adolfo at 9pm tonight. Our group is going to meet here at his house and pray over him. Now...... I am embarrassed because I don't put near enough faith in our prayers as they do. They told me today that they would wait until tomorrow to decide about going to the Dr. They wanted to wait until after we pray over him tonight to see if the prayer is answered. I assured them we would pray and I would have many others praying for him until then. Love ya! Missy


Hi friends, I am writing you with a heavy heart. My sweet Adolfo is suffering horribly. I went over yesterday to bring them some chicken and rice soup and I saw him without a shirt on and he was in a lot of pain. I asked what was wrong and he showed me a ton of blisters all over his arm, upper back and all around his ear. I immediately thought, " Oh NO!!!" I am sure he has Shingles. I have always tried to put into perspective the things I go through; thinking, " Hope something good comes out of this." However, when I had Shingles I didn't think that, I thought, "Nothing good can come from this!" Well, I am so thankful that I had them so I would know what it is he has.

 They had gone to the "Clinic" here and whoever is in training there gave him some vitamins, hydrocortisone and ibuprofen. He was in such pain and I am one who definitely understands the pain he is in. I asked him his symptoms and I knew that is what it was. So I ran and got Greg and we prayed over him and said we would talk to his family about taking him to the Dr. The day went on and he suffered and we went back over there to talk with the family last night.

We explained what we thought he had and explained how serious this is for a 94 year old man with diabetes. So as the culture may go, they talked it over between themselves about what should happen. Then they looked at us and said, "Well we ( Adolfo's two daughters) can't take him until Saturday morning. Of course I wanted to scream, " THE MAN COULD BE DEAD BY THEN!!" But... Greg calmly says, " That will be fine we will be ready at 8:30am on Saturday.  So, Adolfo stands up and says to them, (in their language) "Tell them that today when they prayed over me that I was in a lot of pain. Tell them my head hurt and my whole body was hurting. Tell them that while they were praying something cool came over me, a powerful breeze that touched my body and took the pain away." He said that in front of his one daughter that we believe is into some kind of witchcraft. It was awesome!! Anyway, will you pray for Adolfo, I told him we would and I know it means a lot to him. This just may make him a believer after all of this is over with.

Okay, on a lighter note, my computer has it's days. Some days it is fine, like today, and some days it starts out bad and then it fixes itself. So, who knows?!?!? I will keep you up to date on Adolfo and I will try to write more later. Love to all! Missy

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Keep prazying!

Ok,azy.... azsx you cdazn sxee, jmy dcojmputer isx not fvixsedck, sxoooo pl.eazsxe k,eep prazying! :o)\
lofve, JMisxsy