Wednesday, September 16, 2009

So you had a bad day?

You would think that a mom of a burn patient would no better than to let this happen! I am soooo stupid!


You know that song that was sung at the end of American Idol? So ya had a bad day, dadadada.....? Well, it pops into my head quite often. Sometimes for someone in a full leg cast, sometimes for someone who is pulled over by the cops, and then sometimes I sing it for myself.

Yesterday I was singing it for many people. The people I saw in a car accident, my friend who was rear ended by someone, my other friend who pulled off the road to let a trooper pass who was on his way to a suicide call and she wound up in a ditch and almost had her van tipped, for a little boy who found out he was allergic to bees and swelled up from head to toe (he was also in the van that almost tipped) for the family of another friend who took his life due to depression and me because I am a stupid woman! ( look at photo number 1) :o)

Yesterday just wasn't one of those really good days for many people. In the midst of all that was going on, I felt like I was swimming upstream in a very rough current. I just felt like things were so out of control. So I started praying on my way to get Annie from school and I was begging God to just assure me that everything was okay and that He was still in control even though to my tiny eyes it was looking pretty messy down here. I can't understand so many things. Why good things happen to bad people and bad things happen to good people. It's just cause we live in a very imperfect world. However....I rounded the corner and looked up and was astounded at what I saw. It was, well... breath taking. It was what is in picture number 2. Except in real life it looked A LOT bigger! He assured me He was still in control. He was still on the throne and although it looked messy to me, He was still right here with me walking through the mess each and every day right by my side. I was encouraged and felt so in love with MY Savior! Hope you are encouraged too! SO....Have a good day! Love, Missy