Thursday, August 11, 2016

Clear As Mud Again!

If I hadn't already used my boys picture, I would have used it. However, I chose this fun mud picture instead. 

So... today's MRI wasn't as clear cut as we had hoped. It wasn't bad news, it just wasn't very clear. So, I will do my best to explain. Last MRI our Dr. saw what she felt was scar tissue for lack of a better term. However, she had hoped that by this MRI the "scar tissue" would be smaller or would have shrunk. On this MRI it was the same size as the last MRI. So, now she is scratching her head trying to figure out if it is scar tissue, dead tumor, or new tumor. The technology is so good, and you can see so much, and that can be good. However, it can also cause you to be concerned about things that you don't necessarily need to be concerned about. 

We are not at all discouraged by this. We are just living day to day, trusting God has an amazing plan and we are happy to walk this journey alongside Him. Greg will continue with his chemo next month and then he will have another MRI in 4 weeks instead of 8. So on September 8, we will return and pray that this little booger she is seeing is smaller and not bigger! Smaller would mean for sure it isn't anything to worry about, bigger, would NOT be what we want. SO please pray for it to shrink! Thanks so much for your faithful prayers and your support of our family as we walk this path. We serve an awesome God and we are thankful for each day we have together! Hug your family and don't sweat the small stuff! Love you all, Greg, Missy, Jerod, Alex and Annie