Saturday, February 28, 2009

Saying Goodbye!

I have never liked good-byes and it wasn't any easier with our dog. I know she may not be the easiest to love because she barks a lot and jumps a lot but she is so sweet! I will miss her probably more than anyone in the family. Greg tried to be compassionate, but he was really happy to be rid of her. He is definitely NOT a dog lover. Anyway, I made it through the saying good-bye, I just hope she is happy on the farm. Thanks for praying! Love, Missy

General Update

Hi everyone,
I have tried all day to post this, I am making one final attempt!

I wanted to give you all an update on things here in San Lorenzo. Last night we had our Friday night meeting ,we had 16 adults attend and we were soo excited! (we usually have about 8-10 adults come)We were especially encouraged that Cesilia showed up. She hasn't attended in about 2 months and I really thought she had decided it wasn't for her. She came over to our home and shared that she was having a problem with another woman in the group. Doesn't that sound just like the churches in the states? So we talked about it and she is going to talk to the woman and clear the air. That is a praise!

The study went awesome and Prisilano (our hopeful new pastor) and Greg shared the teaching time and it went so well. The people talked and shared for a long time. The theme was what the bible has to say about worshipping idols. It is great when they come to terms themselves about what is wrong and what is right. They discussed this topic, using bible stories, for about 2 hours! I think they all saw Prisilliano as the new leader of the group! Great night!

I will share more about all 3 kids tomorrow. I have had many people ask about them. I quickly wanted to share about Annie's hand. I have mentioned that she has a ton of warts on her hand. After she had her hand burnt, one wart she had before,started to spread very quickly. Within 2 days her 3 middle fingers were litterally covered in warts. They are painful and look something like an alien. We tried banana peels for about 3 weeks and nothing happened. They continued to grow bigger and bigger. We tried the acid that one Dr. recommended and it was torture and didn't work! So, I researched on the internet and we are now trying duck tape. She has had them covered in duck tape for a week now. I will know how it is working in another week. Please pray that this works! If it doesn't I don't know what we will do! Thank you all for praying for our work here and for our family! We couldn't do this task without your covering us in prayer! Love to each of you!! Missy

Oh, Please pray for the kids and I as we have to give our dog, Coco away today. We are taking her to a friend's farm. We needed to find her a home before we leave for the states.