Thursday, January 26, 2017

Walking in Faith!

Psalm 28:7 The Lord is my strength and my shield; in him my heart trusts, and I am helped; my heart exults, and with my song I give thanks to him.

The past few weeks Greg hasn’t felt very well. We have wondered if it was a reaction to his treatment, or if it was new tumor growth. Today he had the first MRI since his surgery in October and his new treatment started. 

God has been leading me to this story over this past few weeks, and I have read it, over and over and over. It has truly spoken to me in a way no story really has. Bear with me! 
The complete story is found in Joshua 5:13- 6:21

 In Joshua there is a story where the Israelites had just been wandering in the desert for 40 years and they had come to the eastern banks of the Jordan and in order to enter into the Promised Land, they first had to conquer the walled city of Jericho. This was no easy task seeing as the wall was 11 feet high and 14 feet wide. (it had other specifications, but I don’t think they are important for this example) God gave instructions to Joshua on how he could conquer this wall. He told him to have his people march silently around the wall for 6 days and then 7 times on the 7th day and then, shout. So, this may have seemed like a stupid plan to Joshua, but he followed the plan to the letter and on the 7th day after the people marched around the wall 7 times, Joshua commanded them to shout, and they did. The entire wall crumbled and they overtook the city. (With exception of one woman and her family, read the story!)
So, I love this story for many reasons. First, it took a lot of faith on the part of all of the people to just do what was told of them without knowing much of the plan. I looked into it a bit and found that it is believed that the people were only given part of the plan. They were told to march in silence every day, I don’t believe they knew how many times they had to march before this plan would hopefully unfold. They just got up each day and marched. The marched without knowing if or when this wall would fall. But they were obedient and marched in silence, no less. I have to think that they were beginning to wonder on the 7th time on the 7th day, “What are we doing?
” I would think they were saying, “What on earth makes us think by walking around this wall, it will just fall down?” Well, that is called FAITH! They did it even when it made no sense and they seemingly saw nothing happen.

Now, to Greg’s big ole noggin. We were told from the beginning of this new treatment that the first MRI wouldn’t look good. However, our oncologist, who we dearly love, saw his MRI and felt it looked a bit worse than what she was hoping to see. Not uncommon for Greg. He really reacts differently to most things. He isn’t “The norm!” I say it is because his brain is so big and it just doesn’t know how to cope with all this extra stuff inside it. So, I will try and explain as best as I can.

 Greg has swelling on the brain. This is somewhat normal due to his therapy attacking the cancer cells in his brain. It is not normal for it to be swelling as much as it is. Again…. Not the norm. SO.. Dr. Sumrall gave him a different drug today, (she had to suspend his normal treatment for this week) that will hopefully, prayerfully, shrink all brain swelling and stop any new tumor growth. She suspects there is new tumor but we aren't sure due to all the swelling. So… our prayer request for all of you is for you to PLEASE ask God to shrink all swelling, that there be NO tumor once shrinking is gone, and that he can continue on with his treatment next week.

So, going with the story above, we are going to look at this as if we are going through these days of treatment not knowing which treatment will heal Greg’s cancer, but knowing that one day, HE will cure Greg from this awful disease. We will obey, walk in faith and trust God has a plan! We know our God is able and can crumble 11 feet walls with a shout and He can cure Greg's cancer with a simple touch. We are praying He will do that!  We thank each one of you for your prayers, encouraging words, and support as we walk this very long road.

We love you! Greg, Missy, Jerod, Alex and Annie 

Monday, January 2, 2017

Our Year in Photos

Happy New Year! We have had a lot of ups and downs this year, here they are in pictures! Make sure you go to the end to see what is in store for us for 2017!

Started the year praying for a great one!

Radiation started

Had to say good-bye to our little dream girl. 
The praise was she was adopted by a family in Italy. 

Enjoyed the snow.

Greg turned 47!

Max was reunited with us!

Our friend Doug brought him to us and we got to visit with him! 
Chick-fil-A has been a blessing this year!

Greg finished his radiation!

We visited friends in Wake Forest/Raleigh

Uncle Charlie and Aunt Sharon from Mexico visited us! 

We spent some time with the Dysons! But... not enough! ;o(

We walked in the walk against brain cancer.

Enjoyed time with precious friends!

More snow!
Then  came spring and some fun beach time thanks to Uncle Billy and Aunt Ann!

Greg got his keys back!

Enjoyed time together! 

Celebrated our niece and nephew's graduation. (one from college, and one from high school)

Annie had a blast at Camp Cheerio

Jerod worked there all summer and learned a great deal! 

I was allowed to work for a week too with my college roomie. Great times! 

Our sweet friend and adopted grandma, Dottie entered the gates of Heaven. 

Our sweet friend Jenny entered into Heaven a few months later. These were difficult days for us. 

Alex and I had to return to Mexico and sell our belongings and say good-bye to some of our dearest friends. 

Some of the hardest parts of this year. 

We had more sad news as our friend, Mark also entered into Heaven after fighting brain cancer with Greg. 

Greg's Uncle Rod also entered into Heaven. It has been a difficult year. 

Alex got a job at CFA and followed in his brother's footsteps!

We got back in touch with some old friends, God blessed
 us with their sweet friendship!

Spent a tiny bit of time with Jerod before he went back to LU. 

Greg enjoyed mowing our large yard at our mission house. 

We visited Jerod at LU. He continues to do well. 

Greg had to have another brain surgery after chemo and radiation didn't seem to be working. 

He did great after surgery and he started his new form of treatment. (immunotherapy) 

We got to spend Thanksgiving with our Indiana family!

Annie turned 13!

Greg and I were blessed by free tickets to the Colts and were hosted by the 
coach. We got to meet Peyton Manning which was really neat! 

Even better was meeting Coach Chuck Pagano. He was a class act and spent a long time encouraging us. It was a true blessing!

Enjoyed Christmas events with our family. 

Spent Christmas with my family in the mountains of NC.

Enjoyed our family every day!

Grew closer to Christ and learned so much from Him! He has continued to take care of us! 

So.... 2016 was definitely a year of ups and downs and we lost a lot of friends along the way. We had to move out of our home, lost the daughter we never got to meet, lost the job we loved, left the friends and people group we loved, laughed a lot, were blessed by 100s of you, had many prayers answered, and continue to trust God. It hasn't always been easy this year, but man our faith has been strengthened and we have really learned what it means to rely fully on God. 
2017...We are so optimistic about what this year is going to bring! We have been praying for quite some time that God would give Greg a ministry he could do here in the US. However, nothing was happening. God has blessed our family in ways that truly HE could only do. I will explain all the details in an upcoming post, however the BIG news is that Greg has been offered a part-time job as Missions Pastor at our home church, Arlington Baptist, that we have attended for the last 6 months. We could not be more excited about this position and look forward to great things happening in the future. 
We are currently looking to buy a house and settle down here in the Mint Hill area. We feel like God blesses us each and every day and  are continually amazed at how big He is! 
Thank you for all of your prayers! They are working!! 
We pray God blesses all of you in ways you can only imagine!