Thursday, April 16, 2009

What's wrong with Alex?

Who knows! After a lot of confusion, and me insisting on an ultra sound, they said, his intestines are inflammed and it could be the start of an appendicitis or it could be a bad stomach infection. They said it was too soon to tell. So, either he will get better or he will get worse, we get to wait and see. Right now he is resting on the couch and as long as he is still he doesn't seem to be in much pain. Thank you so much for praying! I will keep you updated on how our little fellow is doing. love you all!

Pray for Alex!

Please pray for Alex. We are headed off to the Dr. (40 minutes away) he is in terrible pain with what we think could be Appendicitis. I will update you when we return. Love, Missy