Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year!

This is a picture of Jerod, Alex and Clay as they celebrated New Year's Eve in the village.

I hope this finds everyone doing well! I hope you all have a wonderful year! As I look back on the past year, I can definitely say it was one of the hardest in my life. The hardest and yet, one of the best! We hated what happened to our little Annie and although it was horrible, many of the good things about the year happened as a result of her accident. So we are very thankful for good times and bad times and especially that we serve a God who is good during both times!

We had a wonderful New Year's Eve! We celebrated with friends and ate lamb/sheep. It was a cultural experience to say the least! We had a great night and finally made it to bed at about 2am. The tradition here is for the kids to make pinatas and then fill them and around midnight they start whacking the pinatas. It is a very fun tradition and we will probably keep it as a family tradition no matter where we are! My mother-in-law and nephew were real troopers and they stayed up throughout the festivities. They have had a great time and we have enjoyed them being here! They will be leaving on Saturday. Please pray they will have safe travels.

Speaking of prayer, please also pray for our new believers. This is a very difficult time of year for someone who is trying to stop drinking and change their ways. There is a lot of pressure to drink here and many of our believers are falling into temptation. When someone here drinks, it is usually for one reason, to get drunk. Satan is having fun trying to destroy the lives of many of our friends. Please pray they can find the strength to turn away from their customs and traditions and follow Christ.

Thank you to each one of you who pray for us!