Monday, March 16, 2009

A Birthday Party!

Yesterday we attended our Goddaughter's birthday party. Her name is Yessica.I thought I would include some pictures of her big day. It is always fun to see how they celebrate such an event. Jerod and Alex taught all of the kids fun, American games like duck,duck,goose and a few others while I helped serve the food. The food they served is called pazole. It is a kind of soup that has a tomato broth with puffed corn in it. It is pretty good but extremely filling! The big custom is the mordita, which is where the birthday girl/boy has to take a bite of the cake and has their face smashed into the cake. Poor little Yessica didn't like it very much, however once everyone had eaten the cake, her parents told my crazy boys they could do it if they wanted to. So of course they thought this was wonderful! As you can see from the pictures! :o)

Please keep praying for our friend, Clay who was burnt in an accident. He is having some tough days and we know that tough days are even tougher without a lot of prayer cover. There isn't a day that goes by that I don't think of all of you who prayed for Annie during those tough days. I say that with sincerity because I see her scars every day and am reminded of just how much worse she could have been. Then I think of Clay and just pray he will have a miraculous recovery like Annie did. Thank you all for your prayers! Don't know where we would be without them!! Love ya!! Missy