Tuesday, August 16, 2011

What one team member has to say....

Hi this is Pam. I am one of the team members that just spent a week in Mexico with the Wood family. I wanted to share with you what I learned throughout my week there. 
I first learned that God can do amazing work in us when we obey Him. (the Great commission for ex.) I also learned some Spanish words and a great deal of the Mexican culture.  I learned the importance of connecting with people. Relating to one another with open hearts, with humility and vulnerability leads to healing and personal growth and growth of those we connect with. In connecting with some of the people in Mexico, I learned some of the people's hopes and of those who have no hope.

What shocked me was that God was able to use me to touch others lives both within the team and with the Mexican people. My misconceptions were that I wouldn't have any fun and wouldn't enjoy the food. However,  I loved most all of the food and had the most amazing experience of my life.  Seeing God work in my life and the lives of our teammates and the work He does thru Missy and Greg was a most fulfilling experience. I fell in love with the people in Mexico
and made some new friends including Greg and Missy!! and their children.

                        This is Pam receiving some gifts from some of her new friends.


                               This Pam eating some new food with another team member, Jamie

Throughout the week He changed me, I fell in love with Jesus again!!! Connecting with my team members and the people in Mexico was part of what has led to my falling in love with Jesus again!!! and for having a renewed passion for sharing the Gospel!! Also, I really opened up my heart to Jesus and repented of some sins and received such mercy, grace and compassion from Him that I will never be the same!! It is my goal to share the Gospel with at least one person every day!!! Thanks Missy and Greg for allowing me to come and stay in your home and interact with you and your family.. What a blessing!! I pray if God leads; my family and I will be able to return in His time!!. Luv u. Pamela.
This is Pam connecting with a sweet girl who just lost her husband.