Saturday, May 10, 2014

April.... work... May...vacation!

We had a very busy April! We had 2 shoe events, and showed the Jesus film twice, celebrated children's day, took about 1000 photos and loved on our people. Then we ended the month by starting our vacation. It has been a great spring and we look forward to awesome things this summer!
We shared flip-flops with lots of families for family day/ children's day. We had a picnic, I took some family portraits and lots of photos of kids and we played a lot. It was a great day!

Saying thank you to the people who sent the flip-flops.

This was another shoe event we had at a friend's home. She has been trying to reach out to many people in her community. She invited them all to come to her home and receive shoes and clothes. Greg told them all a Bible story and we gave out salvation bracelets. It was a great event. 

Greg sharing a Bible story.

 We were making more salvation bracelets. 

Then it was time for vacation. We were so ready!  

Eating at our favorite breakfast place.

Dinner at one of our favorite seafood restaurants.

Jerod paddle boarding.

Jerod and Alex enjoying time together.

Annie made a friend, she is so sociable! 

This was one of our best vacations ever! 

Always daddy's lil girl!

I love my boys! They/We are going to miss this when J goes to college.

Greg doesn't need much to relax. No internet really was a blessing!

 We went on this amazing outdoor adventure in Nuevo Vallarta. We zip-lined over some of the most beautiful scenery and  rappelled down waterfalls. We were a little nervous Annie would not like it, (the minimum age was 10 and she is 10) but she LOVED it! 11 zip-lines  a water slide, rappelling, it was something we will never forget!

This is me and Annie, upside down.

I can't tell who that is. 

That is Jerod on the right, he had NO fear!


This is Alex on the left and another man on the right. 

Me and Annie double zipping!



Family fun




Mommy and Annie

Greg on the top








Me again



