Monday, January 17, 2011

Village life

Okay so some days I have so many things to write on here I don't know where to begin. I see some of the saddest things here. Women who work their fingers to the bone all to be smacked in the face for not having dinner ready when their husband gets home from work.

 I watched this woman walk down the dirt street today. She was pushing her wheelbarrow that had about 3 loads of dirty clothes in it, her laundry detergent and her little 2 year old daughter in it. Now I have tried to push a wheelbarrow down our streets and I can get about a block without my hands and arms killing me. They just work so hard and my heart really goes out to them. This precious little woman who was probably no more than 18 years old not only had to walk down the street about a mile, once she got to the end of the street she had to wash all of those clothes by hand while keeping her daughter occupied. Then she had to put all of those WET clothes back into the wheelbarrow and walk home again.

 I did 3 loads of laundry today, I did them while I was watching tv, sitting on my couch and eating a snack all at the same time. Somehow I just feel so sick when I think of how easy I have it and how hard they have it. Please pray for my friends. Their lives are TOUGH!!

I know many of you ask how things are here. Well.... it isn't like it is on the border, but we do have our problems. We have problems with drugs. It seems to be a growing problem and we are seeing that it is affecting many of our young people in the village. One of our friend's sons came by the other night and was asking us for help. He said he was addicted to a certain drug and had been for 5 years. He is only 20. He mentioned to us that he was unable to go one day without smoking this drug. This is a very hardcore drug and from my research is almost impossible to get off of it without professional help.

We asked him if he was open to receiving professional help and he said he was. We were encouraged by this and prayed with he and his wife and  they left. He said he was going to talk with his mother the next day and see how she thought his father would react to this news. His father has a very explosive temper and he was afraid of what he might do.

The next day his wife came by the house and said he decided not to tell his family. He said it would only bring heartache to his mother and he knew his father would kill him. He said he was more fearful of his father killing him than of the drug. He has been having chest pains due to the continuous use of this drug. He is trying to stop using this drug on his own. Please pray for him.

As you can see my heart is heavy as there are always people close to my heart that weigh heavy on  my heart. All of your prayers are needed and appreciated! Love to you all! Missy