Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Annie's world

 Annie's World 

                                             Our first ballet class! She was sooo excited!
                                                               See me mom?
                                            She is actually very good at ballet and was better than

                                       those who had taken ballet before. Or maybe I am biased.
                                         For Annie, it is all about the outfit, and she loved her outfit!


                                     She still has found time to stop and blow the seeds of a dandelion!

                                                She was soo excited about swimming lessons!

This is her teacher, Emily.

                                                    Here she goes.................
                                                                    She did it!
AND......She liked it!

Hi friends! I know this signing in bit, is a pain in the hiney, I am really sorry. I do hope I can get things cleaned up quickly; before the 30 days and have things back to normal. I will do my best. Last fall our world was all about football. 2 nights a week we went to practice and then we had games on Saturday. So Annie was left to tag-along and her life was put on hold. Well....her time has come.

She has been enjoying ballet class and swimming lessons. Not to mention smelling the flowers along the way. She has really enjoyed her time in the US. I feel like her transition could be the hardest. I would like to ask you to pray for that. I worry about her the most. She really likes to play in English and LOVES school and is a very social person. So, please pray that God will bring her Spanish back quickly and that she would make new friends wherever we are very quickly.

Thanks for following us on our sometimes dull, sometimes crazy journey! Love, Missy

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Stay tuned

Hi friends! Please stay tuned to what is happening in our lives. We are very unsure about our future plans. We love you and appreciate your prayers!

Monday, April 19, 2010

more birthday pics

I wanted to give you and idea of how much fun Alex had on his birthday. We started off the night bowling with his friends and Mama Say and Honey. ( My parents) Then after my father beat us all in bowling we headed over to Cicis pizza. We were celebrating his birthday with our good friends the Dysons. Mikayla and Alex's birthdays are 1 day apart. They shared their birthday parties when they were turning 6 and 7 in Costa Rica.  Now they have shared their 10 and 11th birthday together as well. They both had a great time and the evening was ended with a slumber party for the boys.

Sunday, April 18, 2010


Hi again! I want you to know how happy I am that you are all responding to my plea for your addresses. I was concerned I would find out that oh, it was only my mom, mother-in-law and and one friend who actually read this, so it has blessed my heart to find out you are all really out there! If you notice some drastic changes in the blog, don't fret, I am still the same old me.

I have taken the comments section off for the time being so that not everyone can see the email addresses you are posting. I thought I could do that and still allow you to post comments so that only I could read them, but that is not the case. OOPS! So, just email me your email address and who you are. I am doing that for your safety and mine as well. I will probably put them back on for others to read as soon as we are a secure sight. If I don't respond to you that I received your email, I didn't receive it. I will email each one of you after I get your address to say I got it and then later I will email you with the code. Thanks for your patience!

I am not terribly concerned about our blog, but.... I am a little concerned so, we have one week and we go secure. Then we will be making even more changes after that, so please stay tuned. I am probably going to be posting more frequently now that our time here in Wake Forest is ending. Who knows where we go from here. Thanks for hanging in there with us! Love you all! I mean that!! Missy


Hi friends!

This is kind of an important post for all of you who want to continue reading our blog. I am going to activate a security code that you must know in order to view our blog. If you are a follower, I need you to email me at my blog email address or post your email here and let me know who you are and that you want to continue following our blog. I will screen each person and if there are no problems, I will send you an email with the security code. I will activate this code on April 25th, so please let me know before that time. I know this is a pain and I hate it has come to this but due to some problems with some friends, we feel it is necessary. If you have any questions, please feel free to email me and I will try to explain further. Thanks again for following us on this journey! Love, Missy

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Alex was born on 4-14-99 and weighed 7pounds

Alexander Charles Wood, a good strong name for a good strong boy. I love my sweet Alex!

Alex meeting my father for the first time.
I only have 2 pictures on my computer of Alex as a baby, one of him meeting my mom and one of my dad. They aren't the clearest pictures, but you can see what he looked like.

My mom holding him for the first time. Or maybe it was the second, who knows!

Alex the thinker

Alex enjoying his breakfast cinnamon rolls!

Alex the excited one!

Alex the goofy one!


Then there is Alex the athlete. How precious is he?
My baby isn't little anymore! I am sure it was just yesterday that they pulled him from my stomach and showed him to me. Or was that just yesterday that I said, " I do," no that was almost 16 years ago, so I guess it was Alex that was born just yesterday. But then, when was Annie born, because I am sure it was just yesterday that she was born and was playing baby Jesus in the Christmas play. I think Jerod was born a few days ago because too much has happened since he was born for it to have been yesterday, but it wasn't that long ago for sure! Point is, time really is flying by and I am happy to see my children growing happy and healthy and sad to see the days flying by. I am reminded of Billy Ray Cyrus' song, 'Flying By.' If you haven't heard it, you need to because it says it all. I tried to copy and paste the lyrics but it wouldn't let me.
Anyway, today will be the day we celebrate Alex. He is 11 today and we are going to do 11 of everything. That means he has to read for 11 more minutes than usual, do 11 more Math problems, spell 11 more words, you get the idea. I am kidding, I wouldn't do that to him, I might think about doing it to Jerod because being 13, he is driving me bonkers, but I won't do it to Alex on his birthday! We are planning on having a small celebration here with my parents and some old family friends, (the Mims) on Friday. Nothing big, just a little get together to remind him that he is special.
I will post pictures and please know that I think of you all and am happy to know that there are a few of you who still follow us on our journey. Even in the US! I will be writing a newsletter soon, I hope, so if you haven't let me know that you want to recieve one, please let me know and I will add you. Love to you all! Missy

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Saturday, April 10, 2010


Annie and Caroline in awe over the jellyfish in the bucket.

Never seen so many jellyfish in all of my life!

I have 3 beautiful nieces and this is one of them! Emily.

Putt-putt for the fun of it!

Future models!

They are naturals!

Annie worked all day on this! Ha! Not really, some lady worked all day on it and then when she left we decided to take a cool picture! Cheaters, yes, I am all about cheating!

Going to talk about politics.

Found something more interesting to talk about!

Cousins by chance, friends by choice, or at least most of the time! :o)

I will repeat the line from above. Cousins by get the idea.

"Mom said we would see dolphins, I don't see anything but jellyfish."

"Oh, there's one! She was right, now when is it going to jump up and do flips like at the aquarium?"

"OOOO, cool, 3 of them, but when are they going to do tricks?"

"Dying paper is so much fun, I guess if we get some on the eggs our moms think it is cool too."

Greg and his girls.

Cousins doing what they do best; while waiting in line at a restaurant.

Spent the week at Hilton Head, SC and had a blast. Hope you can see that from the pictures. I may post more later but this will give you something new to look at for now. We had a great Easter and enjoyed spending the week with family. We love family vacations! We are starting to prepare ourselves for our big transition. Thanks for continually keeping us in your prayers. Missy