Saturday, April 10, 2010


Annie and Caroline in awe over the jellyfish in the bucket.

Never seen so many jellyfish in all of my life!

I have 3 beautiful nieces and this is one of them! Emily.

Putt-putt for the fun of it!

Future models!

They are naturals!

Annie worked all day on this! Ha! Not really, some lady worked all day on it and then when she left we decided to take a cool picture! Cheaters, yes, I am all about cheating!

Going to talk about politics.

Found something more interesting to talk about!

Cousins by chance, friends by choice, or at least most of the time! :o)

I will repeat the line from above. Cousins by get the idea.

"Mom said we would see dolphins, I don't see anything but jellyfish."

"Oh, there's one! She was right, now when is it going to jump up and do flips like at the aquarium?"

"OOOO, cool, 3 of them, but when are they going to do tricks?"

"Dying paper is so much fun, I guess if we get some on the eggs our moms think it is cool too."

Greg and his girls.

Cousins doing what they do best; while waiting in line at a restaurant.

Spent the week at Hilton Head, SC and had a blast. Hope you can see that from the pictures. I may post more later but this will give you something new to look at for now. We had a great Easter and enjoyed spending the week with family. We love family vacations! We are starting to prepare ourselves for our big transition. Thanks for continually keeping us in your prayers. Missy