Friday, April 3, 2009

Rosa and Chavo

This is Rosa and Chavo. She is 18 and he is 21. They have been married for a little more than 4 years and have already had one child who died at 6 months old (about 3 years ago) and have had their ups and downs as any couple does. Anyway, they have been coming to our church for the past year and have both given their hearts to the Lord. However, they still have many problems they need to overcome. The main one right now is abuse. It is the "custom" here that if a woman doesn't obey her husband, it is okay to beat her. We are dealing with this now as we are trying to teach them that they can't do this to their wives. When their customs are against what the Bible teaches, they,as believers, have to choose to follow the teachings of the Bible. We are going to talk to them today about some things that have recently taken place. Please pray that this conversation goes well. Pray that Chavo would have an open mind and open heart and that we can restore peace to an unpeaceful situation. Some things have happened that I can't mention on here, but you can use your imagination. Some days I want to run away from the situations at hand and the past few days I have definitely wanted to run away. Please pray! Love you all!