Saturday, September 12, 2009


Hi friends! 3 times in one day, man am I making up for lost time or what? I needed to get away tonight and my precious husband sent me away to do whatever I wanted to do. Isn't he sweet? So, I tried to find a friend to accompany me first, and then decided extrovert or not, I am really happy going places by myself. So, I went to see the movie Julia/Julia by myself. It was such a cute movie. A little bad language but it was overall really good. I enjoyed myself. I picked wherever I wanted to sit and ate popcorn all by myself and drank 1/2 Mr. Pibb and 1/2 Coke Zero. I even ate some Milk Duds. I know, I said I was going to try and lose 20 pounds by October but I think 1/2 of me losing it is confessing to you that I did that! ;o) So, I will start again tomorrow and try and be a little better and exercise a little harder.

So, in this movie a girl named Julia is blogging as she tries to make Julia Child's recipes from her cookbook. She has a heart for writing and decided that since she wrote a book and no one published it, she would just start blogging. I won't tell you the rest, so you can see the movie yourself. However, it got me more pumped up about writing/blogging. I realized that I love blogging when I am telling you all about my people and the things we did or were doing. Then it dawned on me that I didn't start doing that until 2 years into my time in Mexico. Hmm..... I have a lot of stories NONE (or almost none) of you have heard. So, I thought I could start bringing to life some of the very fun and interesting stories that went on in 2006 and 2007.

It will be a little hard writing them in the present since they did happen in the past, but I will do my best to make it as interesting as possible. Ya know, all of you out there, you faithful blog readers, I really do feel connected to you in some weird sort of sisterly way. Maybe brotherly too, I don't know how many of you are men, I do know a few men read this, but I don't know how many. Anyway, thanks for taking the time to read and I will bring back to your memory all of the wonderful people that are so vivid in my mind. Or maybe I will be introducing you for the first time. Either way, enjoy! Love, Missy


WARNING these photos will probably be too much for most people! UNLESS you are a grandparent! I just had to put them on here for all to see, but I know there are WAY too many! Sorry! If you do want to enjoy them they are much better if you click on them to enlarge them!
Alex played defensive lineman and Jerod played offensive lineman.

This is my new friend Teresia and her precious little Faith! Her sons Josh and David have become great friends with Alex and Jerod and her other daughter, Hope has become good friends with Annie. She has another daughter, Grace, but I just couldn't keep up with her! I was going to tell you something funny Hope said today! She is 4 and she went into the Porta John to go potty. I asked " Do you need help?" She said, " Yep." So I asked her what she needed and she sheepishly looked at me and said, " How do you flush it?" Poor thing was thinking that was the most clogged potty she had ever seen! It was too funny! Ya gotta love kids!!

Jerod is #67, he is the one in the middle of the 3 reds.

Jerod again in the middle.

Jerod in front of #19.

Coach Wood. So serious! He didn't know I took this picture. ;o)

Now for Alex, he is number 38! Maybe smaller, but that didn't stop him!! That started off having one person blocking him.

And now we have 2 people blocking him. Not bad for his first game, smallest and youngest on the team!! :o) Oh he wants to play professional so bad he can taste it!! I guess he could be the mascot during half time! ;o)

Alex says, "You ain't nuthin'!"

Alex and his buddy waiting for someone to get up.

I am pretty sure Alex is thinking, wonder why he isn't telling me any really cool stuff?

"Good job Alex!"

There is Jerod going after his man!

Jerod again in the middle of things. He was always at the other end of the field so it was hard to get really good pictures of him. Maybe next week!

Jerod in the huddle.

Alex says, "I may be small, but I can hit hard!!" Not really those are my words but I think he thinks that!

What studs!

This is Alex going head to head!

This is number 70 next to Jerod, we thought he was quite tall!

Number 70 next to Alex.

Okay, so we thought that number 70 was big until we say number 46!
All I could think about was, I am so glad he didn't hurt my baby!
So, it was a GREAT first game! 20 to 12 was the final score! We were very happy! I wasn't near as nervous as I thought I would be after I saw they seemed to know what they were doing. We really enjoyed the fellowship after the game as well. We had a picnic and the kids played more football with their friends while Annie played with her friends in the sand box. All in all, it was the perfect day! Thanks for praying! I love you all and you are all invited to any game!

The Big Game Day!

Hi everyone! Today is our first official football game! Alex woke up a half an hour early he was so excited! The game will be at 11am today and I will be praying from 10-12! I am a little nervous since I am not used to seeing my babies thrown around on a field! Please pray that they will stay safe and have a ton of fun! I will post pictures tonight! PROMISE! Love you! Missy