Saturday, June 4, 2011

Pray for Annie and Jerod

Hi friends!

As I mentioned we are traveling over the next few weeks. As soon as we made it to our first destination Jerod started getting really sick. It seemed to be more than a simple stomach bug. The next day Annie started with the same thing. SO thankful to God that they both started this once we made it to a home that had water and two bathrooms!  Huge praise!!

 Well after almost 3 full days Jerod started feeling better, however Annie wasn't seeming to improve at all. So I took her to the Dr. and found out she had amoebas. So this means they both have them and I think Greg has them too. I really want people praying that they all get well soon. Annie and Jerod started on a medicine on Wednesday and Jerod seems to be mostly all better now, however Annie is still having some issues each day just not as many. She had it pretty bad. Greg started on medicine too and has seemed to be fine.

We think we know how they got it b/c we all went to a wedding and the 3 of them ate all of the meat out of Alex and my soup. Alex and I always share things like that whenever necessary! ;o) Now you know why! So, I am thinking it was the meat in the soup b/c Alex and I have been hunky doory except for a lot more work for me and a lot more boredom for him. Thank you all for praying, we do so appreciate the prayers!

Quick update on Bryn. She is doing wonderfully! They have moved her to a progressive floor where she is recovering nicely. She still has a long way to go, so please continue to pray, but I believe they feel she is out of the woods for he most part. So, we are singing Jesus' praises here!

I also have to say "Happy Anniversary" to my sweet husband!  He is so precious to me. I must say I definitely picked the perfect husband! AND I did pick him! Love you honey!

Love you all too! Missy
 Love to all! Missy