Tuesday, November 16, 2010

I once was blind but now I can see!

Okay, the baptism on Sunday was awesome however; the baptism last night was well....  AMAZING!
Alicia, who I thought had been blind for most of her life, actually only lost her vision 4 years ago due to diabetes. She is very unhealthy and was scared to death of being cold. (It is pretty cold here, especially at night.) So, last night she was determined to overcome her fear of being cold and enter into the water of baptism. We found a container to use that we covered in plastic and then we bought some water and heated it over a fire. The men carried buckets of water into our church until it was hot enough for her and then she was ready. She asked to wear some of my clothes because she had none that were appropriate.   I was searching for the right tee shirt when I found the PERFECT one! As you can see it says, "Formerly Blind" on it. I thought it was fitting! Anyway, she was so happy after she was baptized and we were doing everything we could to warm her up.

 I was drying her hair with my hair dryer and she said, "STOP!" She started throwing up. I felt horrible. I thought it was because she got too cold or something. She acted very calm, and said, "No, I do this everyday." She finished and then she said I could continue drying her hair. Bless her heart. I really had no idea just how sick she was. She said her kidneys are really bad and that is why she throws up all the time.


Anyway, once she was warm, and dry she was one happy lady and felt so proud of herself for following through with something she knew Jesus wanted her to do. She said, she kept thinking that if Jesus died on the cross for her, the least she could do for him was follow his example in baptism! Man, I was thinking, this woman walks about 20 minutes to get here 2 times a week on rocky, dirt roads, and she is blind, all to hear the Word of God. I can barely open my eyes in the morning to read His Word and I take my sight for granted! I should be ashamed of myself! Anyway, I just hope these pictures bless you like they have blessed me! Love you all! Missy