Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Medical frustrations

Hi everyone! I am so frustrated with how our people are treated by the medical doctors here. Now not ALL of the doctors, but a lot of them treat our friends like they are NOTHING. It really urks me! The other day our friend pictured here, Concha, was having a lot of abdominal pain and back pain.
Now, I am not a Dr. but, I have been to enough to know what the first questions they ask are going to be. Are you pregnant? Do you hurt when you pee? Does it hurt when you poo? Do you have loose stools? You know all those normal ?s. So, anytime one of our friends is sick, they always call me and I always ask those questions. Well, if it is a man, I usually leave out the first one! ;o)
Hope I am not giving too much info, but if I am, SORRY! Greg is asleep and he usually is my proof reader if I think I could be crossing the line! So, just remember, who is writing this! :o) So, I went to see her and the first question I asked was are you pregnant? Which she said, I think, I am , I am 2 months late. So, I immediately think she is having a miscarriage. AGAIN, I am NO Dr. but come on, how smart do you have to be? So I ask a few more personal questions about what was happening and then I think okay, for sure, you are having a miscarriage. So, I ask, have you been to the Dr? Which she says, "Yes, 3 times." They told me it was indigestion, then they said it was gastritis, and then they said, oh maybe I should have an ultra sound." I asked if they did the ultra sound and she said, we didn't have the money then. We had spent it all on medicine for all of the other things. So, I say, "Did they give you a pregnancy test?" "No, they said, it wasn't necessary." ME: (red faced and mad) "THEY SAID WHAT?" Okay so I tell her that since it is Sunday ( I didn't say this, but I thought, and she had probably already lost the baby since this had been going on for about 2 weeks) she could probably wait until the morning and then I think she should go to a gynecologist and have them look at her and see what they think. So, she did go and the did find she was "aborting" her baby so they then did a DNC on her.
All of this to say, I am sick and tired of them treating MY people like they are stupid and worthless and good for nothing. Why would any Dr. not have the decency to treat her as if she were his own mother or daughter or wife? I don't understand. I am so sad. She really wanted another little baby. Please pray for her as she is really heart broken and discouraged.