Friday, June 26, 2009

On our way to Wake Forest!

Okay, so the few days at my parent's house has been nice but now it is on to reality. We are leaving today to move to our new home. We will be staying in an apartment on campus at Southeastern Seminary in Wake Forest, NC. Annie is very excited about bathtubs! She has had a bath every night since we have been here and LOVES them!! She is happy to know that her "new" home has a bathtub. She still is very confused when we say we are going home, she says, "Home, San Lorenzo?" So, she still had no clue! Please pray that we have a safe trip to our new home and that the transition will go well. No more grandparents around, no more cousins, no more aunts, what will they do? Thanks for continuing to pray for us. I will continue to post as long as you continue to follow!! Love, Missy