Monday, March 29, 2010

More culture shock

Just when I think I am "Americanized" something
comes along and hits me smack between the eyes.
This time it hit me when I walked into Target and noticed the
Easter candy. One row, got me excited because this was the first time
I have seen Easter candy in about 5 years. Then I saw another row and thought, hum.... they have really got a lot of Easter candy. After counting 15 YES FIFTEEN different rows of candy or plastic eggs I was floored. I really couldn't believe it. It was like, crazy, I mean, really crazy. I was talking to someone about this and they laughed and said, " What's funny is, I never even notice things like that."
In homeschool the other day we were talking about how the Easter bunny traditions first came about and we discovered some interesting facts. One thing we thought was interesting is that on average Americans spend 13 billion dollars on Easter candy and decorations each year. I kinda laughed at one statistic, it said that last year because of the recession, per family they spent less, they spent, $116.59 instead of $135.03 in 2008. Who are these people? What are they buying? Anyway, so that is my little culture shock moment for the the day.
I must go now because Annie is waiting on me so that we can have a tea party outside with her dolls. I will write more later! Love to all! Missy