Thursday, May 24, 2012

Four Years Later

So... It has been four years since our little Annie had her horrible accident. These first two pictures were taken on May 24, 2008. At this point I truly didn't know what the outcome would be for our little girl. All I knew was everything I had ever learned about God was that He would never leave me or forsake me. That was proven more true to me during the weeks and months following her accident than ever before in my life.  

This was in the hospital here in the first hours after she was burnt.

She was heavily sedated.

This was the next day on the helicopter transport to a private plane headed for the US. Again... heavily sedated. ;o)

After her first bath at the Shriners Hospital in Galveston, Texas.

Her second day in Texas. She was starting to feel a lot of pain. Not a happy camper.

NOW... this is Annie 4 years later. She says today that she is happy that God chose to use her in the way He did. He used her horrible accident to raise up a church in our village. It was something we had prayed about for a very long time. We had no idea how He would bring our friends together, He turned something that was really horrible into a growing church. For that reason, Annie says she is happy. She continues to sing the song, "Te amo mas que mi vida, Te amo mas que mi vida!" "I love you more than my life, I love you more than my life!"

At the beach!

Enjoying the sun with daddy.

Playing in the pool with friends.

Playing store in her room.

Enjoying playing in the stream with her friends on Mother's Day.

Loving a Mexican swing.

Enjoying life.

Playing with her friends in our backyard.

I guess a lot can change in 4 years. For us, we thank God for how he has healed our sweet girl and for the way she loves Jesus!