Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Another Amazing Race Challenge

Hi friends! First let me say that camp went amazingly awesome! We were hoping for 50 youth and 65 came! Really neat time in the middle of nowhere with some awesome people!

We celebrated Alex's 13th birthday and it was neat to think back to when we were first leaving America 7 years ago and we celebrated his 6th birthday. At that time I mourned all the things he was going to be missing while serving our Savior. Well....He has never once let me down. It seems as if Alex, Jerod and Annie thrive in any environment, and we couldn't be more blessed.

We returned home and I had an out-patient surgery scheduled for Monday. A few years back I had a cyst removed from my wrist, well; it came back about 8 months ago and became quite painful. So I had it removed again. It was a little more in depth surgery as the cyst was attached to an artery. The Dr. was awesome and it went well. So now you know what my Amazing Race Challenge is: doing everything one handed. (I have a cast on this time) So if my typing isn't that great, you will know why. :o)

Please pray for us as we have a million things going on over the next few months, as well as finishing up school. Thank you to all of you who do continue to follow us on our journey! love, Missy