Monday, September 22, 2008

We love America!

We have now made it to my parent's home and have really enjoyed our first night! After we ate dinner we went for a walk around my parent's neighborhood. I absolutely love to walk at night. It is something you just don't do outside of America. (I know, or some places in America) It isn't safe, and it isn't the same. There aren't beautiful neighborhoods with crickets chirping in the distance and a peaceful calm in the air. I found myself in awe at the calmness we take for granted. I don't know if I will ever feel the same about walking outside, it is just so nice to walk and feel free. In one sentence, I just want to say, " I love America!"

I will tell you I was a little shocked when we arrived home. People were out shopping, playing, getting gas, eating out, it was like any other day! Then we went to get gas and I realized, it wasn't any other day! ;o) I am understanding what you go through every day! Although times are tough, I just want you to realize that America is still the greatest country! As we flew over Atlanta, I was SOOO proud to be American! I looked out over this beautiful country and thought to myself, we as a country are far more blessed than we really know! GOD HAS BLESSED AMERICA!!

I look forward to visiting with many of you and enjoying being back here in the good ole U. S. of A! Love you!