Wednesday, January 13, 2010

pray for Haiti

I guess I don't need to ask you to pray, but I figured it couldn't hurt. I have been following a blog from a rescue mission in Haiti for quite some time now. It gives you a clear picture of how bad things are in Haiti. They are okay but I think they did have some structural damage. The people in Haiti just can't seem to catch a break. Our friend's are adopting a baby from there and we are praying this will still happen quickly, she is precious and needs to be with her family here. Will you pray?

Our world seems to be falling apart at times. I look at the news and I just feel like there is a battle going on. It is an unseen battle. I know many of you know what I am talking about and it is sad to see how countries are being torn apart by the enemy. It is happening right here in America as well as in every country around us. Greg and I were talking about the struggles that go on with our friends in Mexico and we hear about the same struggles happening right here in NC. Marriages failing, people fighting addictions, people losing jobs and struggling financially, unwanted pregnancy, it is all happening everywhere. The only hope we have is Jesus. Period. He is the only one that can help us with the problems of this fallen world. We will still live in a fallen world, but.... we will do so with hope! Because..... He said in John 16:33, New International Version (©1984)"I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world." So, if you are facing something today that seems overwhelming, I do pray that you can find hope in Him. He really is the answer. I don't know how people make it through tough times without Him. I really don't.

I have two things I want to encourage you to watch if you have a chance. We have been doing this for our devotion in school everyday and we love them. They are testimonies from people on and they are quite inspiring. The other is something that was done at a friend's church last Sunday. It too will inspire you. I hope you are all having a wonderful Wednesday and are finding ways to feel blessed. I know I am way more blessed than I deserve! God bless you all!! Love you! Missy