Sunday, July 17, 2011


This was Annie playing with her "friends" last week. She was making the best of her day as she was bored and had no friends to play with. It reminded me of me when I was little. 

This was the next day. We found a friend named, Katrina and she came over to play for a while. I had forgotten that every time Annie has had new friends over in the past they want to try our food. They always ask for cereal. So soon after she arrived she asked for two big bowls of different kinds of cereal. It was funny. 

That same day we went to a new friend's home for lunch and this little fella didn't know what to think of this talking doll. 

He just kept staring at her. 

Then last night we showed the Jesus film to a group of 40 people. It went well and everyone was enjoying hearing the movie in their language. However, some of the kids got antsy and wanted to play. So Annie played in the dirt with some of them. One of which was this precious girl, Haley. I asked her dad afterwards if she and her sister could come play today and he said, "Sure!" So at 9:30 am they arrived and they left at 6 pm. Annie said it was a GREAT play date!! It really was great!

Here is Annie with Haley's sister Karla. 

Here they are playing house in Annie's room. God has definitely answered our prayers for Annie! He is sooo good to us!

Remember that lunch I said we went to? Here it is. Yummy! One thing about coming to a new village is you have to get used to all of their favorite foods. In our old village everyone knew what we liked and did not like and we were pretty spoiled. We never really had to eat anything we didn't like anymore. That was just for the first year of living there. Well... I guess my year has started all over. ;o) 

Here were the fish being put in the soup.

Here is the fish on my plate. I ate it too. Did I sign up for this? ;o)
This is one of my new friends, Nancy. After lunch she gave me this tortilla holder and cross-stitched napkin as a gift for coming. I was so excited, I had admired that napkin all through my fish eating! ;o)
 This is Miguel and Alicia. We have started a Bible storying group with them and are excited to see what God is going to do in their lives. Please pray for them.

Okay, I realize you will have to click on this picture to make it bigger to actually see how funny it is. This is one of those pictures I had to take b/c to us, it is just too funny. This person obviously thinks it is really important for everyone to know that this old beat up truck is a Toyota. It would be an excellent commercial for Toyota. I mean, this guy is a die hard Toyota lover! You gotta stop and laugh sometimes, here is your opportunity! Love to all! Missy