Tuesday, November 29, 2011


Hi friends and family! I know it has been a while since I posted. I am sorry. We traveled to Puebla, MX for Thanksgiving and had a very special prayer retreat with our indigenous team here in Mexico. It was a well needed time of prayer and worship. We enjoyed every bit of it and felt refreshed by the time Thanksgiving Day rolled around. We spent that day together cooking, eating and playing games. We all missed our families in the US but loved the time we were able to spend together with other M's. It was
Fun with the team!

Cooking with friends!

Thanksgiving Dinner

Nuf said!


Nothing better than friends!

Annie actually celebrated her birthday on Thanksgiving this year. She turned 8 years old. So hard to believe that my baby is now 8. It was just yesterday that she was born and we were putting her in the Christmas play at our church as Jesus. She had a blast celebrating with her M friends here and playing games and eating cake. She was tickled pink that she was able to have a Veggie Tales party as she was told that was impossible. The team that came from The Summit in NC brought her plates and napkins and we found a bakery that copied a picture and made a precious cake for her. It was perfect!
Annie's Veggie Tales cake

She was beside herself with excitement!

Brother takes one for his sister!

And enjoyed it!

Annie's reaction to all of her gifts!

I have just figured out that since we have fast internet I can actually download a video onto our blog. I am going to download one of Annie on her b-day so you can see how excited she was! I will download a few others little by little so you can see a little of our people and what life is really like here.

Hope you all had a fantastic Thanksgiving and managed to stay away from the Wal-Mart chaos! SO crazy! We are gearing up for a really fun and busy December and I am really excited about all of the things we have planned.

Please be praying for the following:
LM Christmas Offering (how we stay on the field)
Women's Tea
Family Movie Night
Youth Drama Night
Jesus Film showing
Two Christmas parties in two different villages. (this will be for Three Kings Day and they will receive their shoeboxes/presents)

Thank you all for praying. I am continually amazed at how He blesses us through all of you. We really couldn't be here without you.

Love to you all! Missy