Saturday, November 3, 2012

October Fun!

Hi friends! This month, I celebrated my 42nd Birthday! Annie made me a cake and all the boys made me a steak and potato dinner! It was a great day!

It was delish!

We also celebrated this little one's 2nd Birthday. Her name is Elisabet and she is precious!

This is a doll that my mother-in-law gave Annie years ago. She was loved by Annie for many years and then Annie wanted this little girl to have some dolls, so she gave her to Elisabet. I saw this during the party and thought, this doll is very loved. She is in the dirt, but here, everything ends up in the dirt at some point. 

This is the party scene. 

Juana has a tough life. 3 kids under 5 and no daddy around to help her with anything. They have no water and no job. Please pray for her.

Our shoe ministry continues to bless people in so many ways. Thank you to all of you who are supporting us with this! We are able to get into homes we were never invited into before!

We started a clothing ministry a while back and we have been giving clothes out along with the shoes and it has been awesome!

Greg said, " Who loves their shoes?" This family lives in front of a "B" church and have never allowed their children to come to any events before. The love we were able to show them will not soon be forgotten! They were allowed to go to a movie night at the church the week after.  

Halloween is getting bigger here, but is a lot darker here than in the US. We decided to offer the kids a fun little "kids celebration" at our home. They loved it!

Greg told the story of how we are like pumpkins.
Someone asked what it was like to be a Christian. They replied, "It's like being a pumpkin: 
God picks you from the patch, brings you in, and washes all the dirt off you may have gotten from the other pumpkins." Then he cuts the top off and scoops out all the yucky stuff.
He removes the seeds of doubt, hate, greed, etc. Then He carves you a new smiling face and puts His light inside of you to shine for all the world to see."

These kids had never seen the inside of a pumpkin. They loved getting all of the yucky stuff out!

Jerod's costume, Jerod with facial hair. ;o)

We had so much fun playing games from Minute to Win It!

Alex was Toby Mac.

We had 28 people there and it was super fun! 

Then all the kids went trick or treating in my house. 

Lots of fun! Next year, we plan on doing this on a larger scale! Love to all of you!