Saturday, June 11, 2016


Yesterday was one of those roller coaster emotional days. We started out our day leaving the house at 9:30 and got to Greg's MRI appointment at 10:25. He was taken back about 10 minutes later and then the waiting game started. I waited while he was in there and then he was done. We went to Chick-fil-A in the Cancer center and ate and then we headed over to see our oncologist.

We waited more. During all of this, we had a great deal of peace. We talked and shared dreams about the next steps of this journey and we prayed. We waited in the doctor's office for an hour and the nerves started to build a bit. This isn't unusual. In most doctors offices this would annoy you, when it is an oncologist who is having to give out hard news all day, it doesn't annoy you at all. However, we were very anxious. While we waited, I colored. I prayed before choosing which picture to color and then closed my coloring book and opened it up where God wanted me to. I know, I know how childish. But that is how I work and God knows it. This is where I opened the book. God cares about every detail in our life!

When she did come into our room, she said, "It has been a horrible day." Our hearts sank as we thought, we are going to be part of the horrible day. Then she said, but you are a bright spot, I have great news for you! We then started to breathe again and she showed us the MRI images and it really was amazing to see God's handy work. From December when we saw Greg's large tumor to March when it was inflamed a bit, to April when it looked better to yesterday's when it looked amazing. I mean the tumor cavity (which we lovingly call the hole in his head) has almost shrunk down to nothing and all that was really visible was a bit of scar tissue. We were so encouraged. I believe in miracles, and I believe Greg is one of them. Of course we aren't out of the woods. I mean, I don't know when we will feel like we are. However, every day that goes by and we get to celebrate good news and life together, we are happy! We don't know if the tumor will return, but for now, we don't care because right now we are living in the moment and rejoicing in His goodness.

The hard part for us was to know that in the rooms all around us there were people hearing bad news. They were hearing news that may have changed their lives as they knew it. Yesterday, as we were on cloud nine, our hearts were so heavy because cancer was all around us. Everywhere we looked. baldness, wheelchairs, tears and tissues. Family members there to comfort the sick and nurses and doctors there to comfort all of them. We can only pray that they will cling to the one and only true healer and comforter, our Savior.

Please pray for those with cancer, but also pray for their doctors. Yesterday, I saw a woman, a very precious woman who was broken. She has gone to school for years to learn everything she could about oncology. However, somehow, I don't think any teacher could ever prepare her for a day when almost everyone she saw she had to give them earth shattering news. That drains a person. She needs your prayers. Please pray for Dr. Ashley Sumrall, because God has gifted her with the ability to help patients as well as have extreme compassion and love for them.

So, Greg is to continue his 5 days a month of chemo pill for the rest of this year. He is also still going to have an MRI every other month. My parent's house is still on the market and we are praying that very soon they would be blessed with a sold house! We will be moving out of their home next week and moving into a mission house in Mint Hill, NC. ( East Charlotte) We still don't know what our next plans are with IMB or with the adoption, but we know God has a plan and we are just trying to be obedient to Him in every way. We read in the Red Sea Rules that when you don't know what your next step is, you just take the next logical step. So that is what we are doing. Thank  you all so much for loving us through all of these emotions, and ups and downs of life! 

On a sidenote... Yes that is a band aid on my face and it is there because the doctor
removed a small cyst that was questionable. That is another praise because it turned out to be nothing serious!  Praising God!

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Have patience, have patience, don't be in such a hurry....

I am sitting here with this blank slate and have no idea what to write. I know it has been a while and so much has happened that I don't even know where to start. I will say, Greg is doing soooo well. I mean, you would never know that 6 months ago he was in a hospital with a large brain tumor. I know, you are probably saying, has is been 6 months? Well, on June 10, it will be 6 months since surgery. It was December 1st when he was actually diagnosed with a brain tumor and our lives took this strange turn. We have learned and continue to learn so much. However, the number one thing we have learned is patience. Patience and that even when you think you may have a great idea, and that it would seemingly be God's plan, it may not be His plan. I think that may be one of those hard lessons I have had to learn. I somehow have a hard time understanding why His will would be different than mine. :o) I know that the Lord has to shake his head at me and wonder how he created someone so silly. I know His plan is perfect, so I am just doing my best to wait. I have found myself singing a song my roommate, Amy used to sing. It goes like this:

"Have patience, have patience,
don't be in such a hurry.
When you get impatient,
you only start to worry.
Remember, remember,
that God is patient too
and think of all the times
when Jesus has been patient with you."

We still do not know our future plans about what IMB would have us do in the future. We are just waiting on them to let us know what those plans are.  We are grateful to God and to IMB for taking such great care of us during these past 6 months. We did put my parent's home on the market this past month. We are anxiously awaiting some precious buyer to make a great offer on it. Please pray with us that the Lord will bless my parents for the way they have blessed us.

Greg continues to take  his chemo pill 5 days a month and he hasn't skipped a beat. One week his platelets were down and we prayed and the next time they were back to normal. His body is handling everything perfectly and we give God all the glory. His next MRI will be on June 9th. Please pray that we continue to get good news and see God move in big ways! We continue to look forward to living out every day as if it is our last and enjoying each one of those days as a family. A family that is just like yours, filled with faults and craziness and laughter and arguing and complaining and rejoicing, but mostly, laughing. We thank each and every one of you for praying for us. We look forward to sharing with you just how God is working in our life.

For now we are looking forward to summer. Jerod had a great first year at Liberty and is working as a counselor at Camp Cheerio this summer and we know he will have a great time there. Annie has been enjoying horseback riding lessons and is hoping to learn more this summer. And Alex is very excited about a youth retreat with IMB that will be held in Costa Rica. We are all looking forward to a great summer, we pray you all will have a blessed summer as well!

                                 Here are some pics to catch you up on what we have been doing.
Annie and I have been blessed to continue going on some field trips with our homeschool group from last year. We had a great time at this drive through zoo. 

Our sweet niece Emily graduated from college and we were there to see it! It was a great day! 

We also got to see Rachael graduate. Rachael lived with us in Mexico for a few months. We are so proud of both of them! 

Love my sweet Emi

This was Annie's first day of horseback riding lessons. She has learned so much! 

Alex has decided he is interested in film like his brother. So you always see him with his camera. 

I am counting my every blessing.... I can't count that high. I am so thankful that God has chosen to bless me with this man.

and this girl!

and this "Honey." You get the picture! 

We have had fun getting involved in our church and serving in different areas. 

Fun night at a baseball game.

Love these two cuties. They are both nerds. 

More pics of my Alex. 

This was a good look for Alex and Clay. 

On May 23 we remembered Annie's horrific accident. We thought we would show you
just how great God's healing is. 

This is today. Yes she still sleeps with that same, very loved, blanket. 

She has graduated from sippie cup to solo cup and from Barbies to stuffed animals. 
But, she is still as sweet today as she was 8 years ago. 

She loves life, for sure! Here she is swimming with our neighbor. (She is probably thinking about her sister that is out there somewhere... but for now she will be content to love on our neighbors!)

We were blessed to spend a weekend together at Camp Willow Springs for a mother/daughter retreat. 

This is Linda Harris, she lead the retreat and did an amazing job of storying the book of Esther. She just happens to be the mom of one of my dearest friends, Melissa Conner. 

As you can see, we have been busy. We are happy and healthy and praying God will show us our next step. Thanks for following us on this journey!