Monday, April 6, 2009

In danger of the "hawk"

See post below to understand. Please pray! He is away from the Father.

Learning from Chickens

Our son Jerod, has been raising chickens for some time now. We have had fun watching them grow. There is a lot you can learn from watching chickens! We have first discovered that just like with our own children they learn by watching their parents. The babies immitate their mamas. Whatever the mamas do, the babies do. If they look for food, then the babies look for food, if the mama sleeps, the baby sleeps and so on. I thought of this when I was thinking about Chavo, and Rosa.(pictured below) If the father hit his mom, the son probably will too, if the wife stood there and took it, then the daughter will think she is supposed to as well. Hopefully we can change the direction of their teaching.

Another lesson we have learned is that there is a very large bird that looms in the trees above. It is something like a hawk. One of Jerod's hens had 13 babies and each day the hawk would swoop down and grab up a baby for dinner. So after 13 days, all of her babies were gone. We see that happen around here all the time. If the babies don't stay really close to their mama the hawk will be able to grab the babies. However, if the babies stay relatively close to their mama, they can stay safe. It is the same way with our people here. If they stay close to the Father, by reading their Bible, coming to our studies, seeking help for their problems,and praying, then they are safer from the enemy that looms around us waiting to seek and destroy. However, if they are wandering alone away from the security of the ONE who loves them, they are in danger. Just like that tiny little chicken in the open, is in danger of the hawk carrying him away. Please pray they will stay close to the Father.