Thursday, November 27, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving!!

When we first felt called into the mission field, I cried a lot about this decision! I was not one of those who felt called early in life and looked forward to it. It took me about 6-8 months to finally come around and answer God's calling. However, once I did answer that call, that is when I started to think about all of the things I would be giving up. One of which was holidays with family.

Just like everything else, God had a plan. He wanted to help me through the holidays, and He has done so by providing me with a lot of American friends here in Mexico. Now generally when you see a stranger in the store you don't just walk up to them and start a conversation. However, when you are out of the country, if you see an American it is very hard not to start up a conversation. So, each year God has brought someone new into our path and our American friend bank has increased! Today we will celebrate Thanksgiving with 3 other American families and we will eat an enormous amount of food. If I told you just how much food, you would probably all laugh out loud. Okay, I can't resist. Here is the menu. ( It really is funny!)

a different recipe of stuffing
cranberry salad
carnberry sauce out of a can
sweet potato casserole
mased potatoes and gravy
green bean casserole
regular green salad
broccoli salad
broccoli/ rice casserole
pumpkin pie
pecan pie
chocolate pie
cherry pie
apple pie ( yes that means more than one pie per family)
Diet Coke
Sweet tea

for a few hours later
white bread
Mexican layered dip

We all have to have one or two different things and that adds up.;o) That is just for 8 adults 2 teenagers and 4 children. ( one is still on a bottle)
I really don't think we will go hungry, do you? It is funny, though right? So, when I say God takes care of even the little details, He really does! If you live out of the country, it is sometimes impossible to find certain ingredients to make certain things. For example there are no ready made pie crusts, french fried onions, sweet potatoes,etc... We just substitute for other things and it all seems to taste the same. That is a miracle in itself! I have seen cranberry sauce in a can one time since living here and I still had one can for this Thanksgiving. I knew that would not be enough, so I prayed. I said, "Lord, you know how much we love cranberry sauce, and I know this is a stupid request when there are more important things to deal with. If you think about it, could you bless us with cranberry sauce?" I went to the store and couldn't find any. The next week I went back and in a store that never has cranberry sauce, there were about 50 cans! YAY!! God really does care about even the little details in our lives! For that......I am thankful!

I am also thankful for all of you! Without your sweet comments and prayers, living out here in a village could seem kinda lonely. However, I know all of you are out there and that really blesses my/our soul. I am praying today that God will bless each one of you and all of your family and you will really have a WONDERFUL Thanksgiving Day!!! Love to you all! Missy