Sunday, June 22, 2008

Not much news!

I know I keep saying the same things and I really don't want to bore you with the same prayer requests! Annie is doing so well that I am about to say it is time to turn your prayers to others who need it more. I say that, and then I look at her open wounds and think she really does still need your prayers. She still is not completely healed and still has some pain. Baths are still a big challenge and it is constantly on her mind. This morning she woke up and the first words out of her mouth were, "Do you have to change my bandages?" Then at about 5:00 pm she asks about bath time. So, we are not out of the woods yet! She is really enjoying playing with friends and "going to school." That is what she calls it when she goes to her class here.

Being here in Guatemala really has been the medicine we all needed. Jerod and Alex have been enjoying swimming and playing hide and go seek until it is bedtime. They have had a blast and the week is just starting. Greg and I had some time together today and that was needed as well. We went to a plaza here and bought some souvenirs. I have put these pictures on here so that you can see we are all doing great. The boys haven't been still enough for a picture but I will try to take one of them soon. I am thinking about continuing with this blog about our time in the village as well. We will see. Thanks for lifting us all up! We continue to feel your prayers!