Monday, December 29, 2008

Christmas Eve and Christmas Day

We have had a very busy past few days. Greg's mom and our nephew, Clay are here visiting. We celebrated our Christmas with them. Christmas Eve was celebrated with 2 different families from our village. We all went to a church in another town and heard a message from Greg. We all enjoyed it! Afterward we all went out for a very festive dinner of tacos on the side of the road! ;o)

As you can see from the picture of Annie and her doll house, Santa did come and the kids said he did really good picking out presents this year. He was a little more creative this year. The doll house that he made was a true hit, with all 3 of them! ;o) We are having a wonderful time with Grandma and Clay and we are all excited about our party tomorrow night. ( Monday) We will play games tell the story of Jesus' birth, eat cake and they will all receive their shoeboxes filled with gifts. We are soooo excited about giving these gifts out. I will do my best to upload some pictures of this tomorrow. I am sorry I have been slack about writing on here, I have just been a little occupied with other things. I will do better! Love you all! Please pray that all goes well with our party and that we have enough gifts for all of the kids who come. Love you! Missy

Christmas for a child in Mexico

This is a picture of a Purepecha child as she helps her mom sell something like moss.

They use this with their nativity scenes. She was precious!