Tuesday, November 11, 2008

And then there were.....37!

Don't cha just love it when God moves? This past week has been a little rough. Our friend finding out she has pre-cancer, then our other friend's husband dies and there are other little things that Satan loves to throw our way. However, God loves to give us all big hugs during these times. Tonight we got together for our weekly meeting and expected to have our normal 20-25 people show up. But NOOOOOO! God brought to our home 37 people! Can you believe that? We were so excited. Not only because of the number, but because our friends were the ones who did the inviting. So please PRAISE God for us! Cuz He is GOOOOOOOD! :o) Okay, so I am in a good mood! I took a picture and I will try to add it tomorrow. For some reason it just won't upload right now. So.... tomorrow.

Please keep praying for our friend, Cesilia, she is really struggling with many things right now. They plan on bringing her husband's body back here sometime this week. It could get really tough on her! Please pray! Love you all!