Sunday, November 9, 2008

Our friend Cesilia

The first person interested in hearing Bible stories was our friend Cesilia. She accepted Christ a little more than a year ago. Since then she has tried so hard to live her life the way God would want her to. Her husband's name is Juan. He left her with 2 small children 7 years ago. (2 girls who were ages 6 and 6 months) He left promising to go to the United States and make money so that she could have a bigger home and nicer things. He sent her money about a month after he left and that was it. He never called or even let her know that he was alive.

Since the day she accepted Jesus, she has been praying that he would come back home and support his family. Each week she would ask us to pray for Juan. She said she had forgiven him for the way he used to beat her. She said he had a problem with alcohol and she had forgiven him for choosing alcohol over them. Cesilia truly believed that one day he would return to them and her life would be perfect.

Last night we decided to have all of our friends over to watch the movie "Facing the Giants." We had a great time and everyone loved the movie. Cesilia said, it really is true that nothing is impossible with God, isn't it? I assured her that yes, it really is true. As I got ready to take Cesilia and her daughters home they asked me to take them by a relative's house for a second. So I agreed to do so and took them. When we arrived at the relative's house they had just gotten word from Juan's cousin (who is in the U.S. too) that Juan had died. We wanted to make sure this was true so I contacted the hospital in Los Angelas. They gave us the bad news that yes, he did die.

Please pray for Cesilia, Lupita and Annie as they are mourning the loss of the husband and father that they had hoped would one day return to them. Please pray that their faith will stay strong and they would find strength in Jesus. Cesilia is so poor and is always struggling to put clothes on her girls and food in their mouths. She sells candy at the elementary school and probably makes about $10 a week. Pray that God will provide for her every need and she will not feel as if He has abandoned her.
Thank you for your prayers!!