Monday, August 22, 2011

First Day of School

Well we are back into the swing of things again. We all awoke with a little excitement to begin our new year. Annie was soooo excited. She cracks me up. She made hearts and had them coming out of my room leading down the stairs and into the school room. On each heart there was a letter and each letter together spelled,  I love you, I love you, I love you. How sweet is she? It was too precious for words.

She waited patiently outside the school room to meet her teacher. Finally the time came to meet her new teacher, Mrs. Wood and she seemed nice. Annie seemed excited to meet her and went in the classroom without a single tear or even waving good-bye to me. I was a little sad. ;o)

Then the boys went to meet their teacher. Senora Madera, wasn't quite as friendly as Annie's teacher. She greeted them at the door with a very stern look and a bat. I guess they are in for a tough year. They didn't seem to care. They too went into their classroom without any hesitation and had a great day. By the time I went to pick them all up, the teachers both looked a little run down and ready for a nap and the kids looked like they were ready for some good play time. All in all it was a great first day back!

Love to you all! Missy