Sunday, June 29, 2008

"I'm not even crying!"

Well, we have crossed another milestone in this journey! Annie had her first shower in 5 weeks. It was her idea and during her shower she continued to say over and over, "I'm not even crying!" She said, "It only hurts a little." We were so excited after this, we felt like celebrating. It was definitely a great day!

I was thinking about so many things that have happened over the past 5 weeks and I have learned a great deal. Ya know the word, "pain" is one that explains a wide variety of things. One thing about pain is that sometimes it is severe, like when Annie fell into this large pot. Then sometimes it may become less and be more like an occasional feeling, like when Annie would think about the pain she experienced. I think when someone experiences any kind of pain, whether it be losing a child, a mom, a friend, or knowing someone with a terminal illness or actually having that terminal illness, it never seems to go away. The pain seems to always be there. We may get through one type of pain, only to feel it for someone else. I am so thankful that my emotional pain has subsided as Annie's bath time is now better. I am thankful that her physical pain has subsided. However, now I find myself hurting for others. Moms caring for a terminally ill child or a child preparing themselves to say good-bye to a parent. I just hurt for the hurting, because it isn't an easy place to be. One of the things that makes that pain a little easier is having people like you to walk along side you, and pray for you when you are going through such pain. It seems to spread the pain out a little so that it is easier to bare. I hope that if you ever need someone to carry some of your burden, that you will ask me. I will count it an honor to do so! I have never felt the presence of the Lord like I have over these past weeks. I KNOW He was walking with me too. I felt the peace that is talked about in this passage.

Philippians 4:6-8 Do not worry about anything. But pray and ask God for everything you need. And when you pray, always give thanks. And God's peace will keep your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus. The peace that God gives is so great that we cannot understand it.

I know I got a little deep with this post, but I currently know many people hurting and just want you to know, I hurt with you! I didn't have a picture for today, but I will try and capture something great tomorrow!

Back home in Mexico!

We made it! After a very long day of traveling, we finally made it back home to Mexico. We won't be going to our village until Wednesday, so please pray for our re-entry to the village. Annie did great traveling, as did Jerod and Alex, they are true international travelers! I am going to post some pictures below to show you a little about our week. I think I am too tired to write anymore, but I think the pictures will do a better job anyway.

I do want to ask you to pray for someone, if you could. I got an email today from a friend of ours asking for prayer for a 20 month old little girl who got into the neighbors pool without anyone knowing. They are having to make the decision to turn off the machines. Please pray like you have for Annie, pray for wisdom and peace and comfort for this hurting family. We KNOW prayer truly works, and soon, all of you will see just how much God is doing to heal our Annie. We love you all!

Being "normal!"

Annie with Puppers
Swinging with Daddy!
Annie doing what she likes to do best, CLIMB!

ALMOST home at last!

This was Annie playing after being in the plane or on a bus for many hours today!

Nothing like friends!

This is Big Annie from Costa Rica and little Annie from Mexico!
This is Jackson and Annie, they played together all week long! Are they cute or what?

Reading cards from children in Japan! Thanks Jessica!