Sunday, August 10, 2008

Pray today!

Today, Sunday, is the biggest day of the year in the lives of our friends. It is the day they celebrate Saint Lorenzo. There will be lots and lots and lots of drinking and lots and lots of processions in our streets. Processions are where a group of people walk down the street carrying these large platforms that have statues of saints on them. They will burn candles, and incense and walk in honor of these dead "saints." All of this is done to gain favor with God. They believe this is what He would want them to do. Of course then they have these huge parties afterward and MANY get drunk. Some of the "fun" is quite harmless, they like to dress up in their best clothing, eat traditional food, watch fireworks and see old friends. Tomorrow night there will also be a bull riding contest. So not all of the traditions are bad. However, there has been talk of 2 groups of people within the community fighting tonight. There has been talk of guns and shootings. You mix, drinking, guns, and a strife between 2 groups of men together, and you have TROUBLE! Please pray that today, tonight and tomorrow night will be calm and there will be no fights. Pray that this "celebration" would pass without any harm coming to the people.

Last year we tried something new during this " fiesta." We wrote Bible verses on cups and gave away free hot chocolate in front of our home. (it gets cold here at night during these months) We had nothing but positive responses from this. So, tonight we will do the same thing. We will be out of harms way, sitting in front of our home, ( I put that in there for my parent's sake!) giving out hot chocolate and coffee. We will have a bon fire on the street, (I know that sounds strange, but it is quite normal) and sit back and enjoy the company of our friends who choose to come by and visit. So,please do pray for all of our safety (fire still freaks me out!) and pray that the people will see God through us. I have always liked the saying, "You may be the only Bible they ever read." So, I pray we can be a good example for Christ!

Although we are not expecting a huge turnout tomorrow night, we will still be meeting with our new group. Pray it would go well too! Have a great week! I will let you know everything goes!