Thursday, May 21, 2009

Typing with 2 hands!!

This is one of the small pleasures in life. We go into town once a week to shop for groceries and while we are there my husband always treats me to one of my favorite things...a fountain drink. It is Coke Zero which has become my favorite and I can only get it at 2 places, McDonalds and Sams. (as a fountain drink that is) puts a big smile on my face.

This is what the street in front of our house looks like during rainy season, pure mud. However, before it was pure dust, so I will take the mud.

Hooray! I am free! My stitches were removed today and I now have a crusty looking scar on my wrist and feel like it is bruised, but nothing more! I am sooo happy! In a week or so, I think I will be brand new!

We have continued to enjoy rainy season. Our seasons here are reverse from the states. It is now cool and rainy, much like fall. It is kinda nice that we get to enjoy this season before we leave for the states and enter into the heat of summer.

We have one more week of school left and the kids are excited to be close to finished and their mother is well....... EXTREMELY EXCITED!! I really don't know who wants to be done more, them or me. We are looking forward to our baptism on Sunday, please pray for that if you think about it. Love you all! Missy