Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Vote for our prayer card photo!

Photo number 84.

Photo number 96.

Photo number 108.

This is number 111. (We didn't actually take that many photos!)
Hi friends! I am asking for prayer as I am not a very good time manager. I remember in elementary school I always got a 3 on mangages time wisely. 1 was best and 4 was worst. If that tells you anything. I think Greg might think the teacher was being nice. I think I may have adult ADD and I really have a hard time focusing on something for too long. Especially when I have 3 children that like to interrupt me every few minutes. So, I am looking around this house and I am thinking, "Hmmmm.... I am leaving 2 weeks from today and it looks like I have done NOTHING to get ready." Can you pray I will have some good time today to pack? People in the village continually come by to see us and that has thrown a kink in the packing process as well.

Yesterday we had family photos taken and we are thinking about using them for a new prayer card. I am going to post all 4 that are in the running for our prayer card and you can vote on which one you like the best. Click on the photo to enlarge them. That will be one less thing I have to worry about. Love to you all! Missy