Tuesday, February 22, 2011


Hi friends! I have been meaning to post on here a few times and have run out of time. This weekend was quite busy. On Saturday I had a friend come over to help me do some deep cleaning. We have had a problem with mice living in a closet and I needed her to help me clean out the closet and all of the poop that was there. She loves to kill mice and I am NOT a fan of them so she  was there to help clean and to kill them in case there were any spottings. We didn't see any alive, only their poop. :o)

 Anyway, as I was putting everything back I put more rat poison in the closet and just before I told Alex to close the door Max got in there. He gobbled up the rat poison in  a heart beat. Greg was gone, so I had no car. Everything on the internet said take him to the vet NOW....hmmmm... not exactly easy when I was 45 minutes away without a car. So, I called the vet and he told me what to do. IF this ever happens to your pet... fix them half a cup of water with a ton of salt in it. Almost a 1/4 of a cup was salt. Then take a medicine dropper and force it down them. Within minutes he threw up just about everything! i was still worried since he is just a puppy so we got one of the 2 taxis we could find and I left all my kids with friends and went to the vet. He gave him 3 shots and said he would need 3 more the next day. He is fine now!! Never skipped a beat! Anyway, just a little FYI in case this happens to you!

On Sunday Lupita's wedding was planned. It was quite an event and it was really sad for us to see. Poor Lupita had NO desire to do this. She doesn't even like this guy and now she is married to him. My heart aches for her. She said, " In  our culture, if our parents say this is what we have to do, we have to do it." I just wanted to scream at them all, but it is their culture and if I have learned one thing in this job, it is we MUST respect their culture.

I took over 400 pictures at the wedding. I was the official photographer, which gave me permission to take pictures which I normally could never take in a setting like this. I will post them later today. For now, I need to go do school. I just wanted to tell you ONE praise in this situation. This is VERY rare, however we found out that in this situation Lupita will not leave her home and go live with her husband until they are married in the church. They were married by a judge on Sunday, so that it was legal, but for some reason that we still aren't sure of, she will not be moving out until they are married in the church. Now for some this is very soon afterwards, like within a few weeks to a month; and then others may wait months or even years before they have their "church wedding" a lot of it depends on money. So, please pray with me that God will intervene in this situation and somehow if it is HIS will she will be spared from living with this guy for awhile! love you all!! Missy

pictures to come later today!!