Sunday, January 17, 2016

The Red Sea

 Dear friends and family,
 It's Missy and this is a little long for me, but I hope you are encouraged by it. As I think about all of the things I want to say, all I can really say, is, "Don't worry, God is in control." I think that God continues to teach me each and every day just how much He truly loves us. Every day I wake up and am in awe about just how blessed I am to have my family all around. We even have our precious Max, who is very much a part of our family.

We have been given a book by some friends, (The Tummons family) entitled the Red Sea Rules. We are learning a lot from it. One thing it brought back to my memory was a lesson I learned a few years ago while teaching Annie about the Israelites. We had just learned that they had been set free by the Egyptians and were no longer slaves. They were facing the Red Sea and were doubting the decisions of Moses, then God parted the Red Sea and brought them to safety. Then they were in the desert and began to complain about not having enough food and even said they were better off when they were slaves. The point is that they forgot all of the ways in which God had provided for them in just a short while. When Annie and I studied this, I told her it is just like humans to forget all the ways God has taken care of us and begin to complain when we have to suffer for the least little bit. So we started to go over all of the ways He has lead us across our "Red Sea."

In 2005 He called us to a mission field and took care of every little detail needed in order for us to make that a seamless transition.
In 2008 Annie was badly burnt and He got us to the U.S. in less that 24 hours for treatment. He provided us a car, a house, clothes, food, friends to support us, you name it, He provided it. Then He healed her and used it all for HIS glory.
In 2015 we were in the U.S. on stateside and connected with amazing friends, and churches. What we didn't know at the time was that those friendships would prove to be extremely important to us as we walk this journey.
He allowed Greg to finish his seminary degree before this happened.
He allowed us to go back to Mexico and see our people and start a few works and be blessed by them.
He allowed us to find this tumor at just the right time, and get back to the U.S. for surgery before it caused any problems.
He allowed the surgery to go so perfectly that our Dr. removed as much of the tumor as possible without causing Greg any damage to his motor skills.
He allowed our van not to be sold so that as soon as we returned, we were able to drive it immediately.
He kept my parent's home from selling so that we would have a home to stay in while Greg is receiving treatment.
He allowed a missionary couple to reserve a missionary house in the Charlotte area, only to tell the church at the last moment they wouldn't need it b/c they took the voluntary retirement package our company offered them. That meant that a home was now available for us to stay in once Greg's radiation treatment is complete. This means my parent's can sell their home once we leave. I can't wait to see how quickly it sells. Please pray for that!

So, as you can see, He has helped us cross the "Red Sea" and taken care of our every need and far be it for us to complain while we wait and see just what He is going to do with and through our family. I think of the poor missionary who just lost her husband in the shooting in Burkina Faso. He was just having coffee and in an instant her husband was gone. I am thankful I have today. We get to fight for life. We get to enjoy each blessing and trial that the Lord brings our way. We are so very hopeful that God is choosing to use the chemo and radiation to destroy his cancer. We don't know and we won't know for 4 more weeks. But, I won't worry about that outcome, I will enjoy my every day with my husband and children and be thankful for the life that the Lord has given us. We are truly blessed, cancer and all.

One of the things Greg has said he has learned from this book is, when we are in a difficult situation one thing we usually ask is, "How can I get out of this mess?" However, what we should be asking is, "How can we glorify Christ in this situation?" We are going to do whatever we can to glorify Christ every day. Please continue to pray we can do this well. We love you all!

Our kids enjoying shakes at Steak ~n~ Shake.

Jerod and Alex have enjoyed being together over the past month. They even make going to Wal-Mart an adventure! 

Our friend Doug brought us our dog and that has been a huge blessing to our family. We met him at Chick-fil-A for a quick meal before he heads back to Mexico. 

Max has loved having Jerod home as much as we have! 

This is our AMAZING oncologist! Dr. Sumrall is a wonderful christian doctor who is helping  us in every way. We are blessed that God chose her to be our doctor. 

We are also extremely blessed by our International medical consultant. Dr. Pate has helped us in ways that no one will ever truly understand. We are blessed by this woman! 

We had to visit High Point recently, and that is where Greg and I met. It was 24 years ago that we met in this very spot. I am looking forward to spending the next 24 with him as well! He is my everything! 

Jerod was blessed with a new, used car after his was totaled  the day after Greg's surgery. God blessed us once again that he wasn't hurt and it wasn't his fault! 

Jerod had to say good-bye today as he went back to LU. Please pray he has a great semester! 

The last breakfast before going back to college. 

Love them 2 pieces! 

Hugging, bro style. 

I hate good-byes! It sure has gotten quiet today! ;o(

Thanks for praying for us as we continue on God's journey! Missy and family

Thursday, January 7, 2016

Treatment update- Next phase

I began the next big stage of my treatment this week which includes a chemo pill taken one hour prior to a daily radiation treatment.  As I noted in the past, my surgery was seen as very successful by the doctors but not all cancer cells can be removed with surgery.  Thus, the next step is the chemo/radiation attack of the aggressive cancer cells that were left behind.
These are the chemo pills that I take every morning. Please pray they kill the cancer cells. 

God has truly blessed us with amazing doctors that we have connected with deeply.  My radiation doctor is only five minutes away from my in-laws house.  The office is super efficient in getting me in quickly and after 15 minutes I am done.  I have a daily appointment at 9:15 and we are often leaving at 9:40 - quick, no stress and back home!!  I was told by my doctor that if I was going to have some bad side effects from the chemo pill I would have seen it the first day or two.  After 4 days, I am feeling good.  Your prayers are working and I thank each of you of for your support of me and our family.
This is where I get radiation everyday at 9:15 a.m. Please pray that the radiation will hit the exact point in my brain where the cancer cells are lingering. 

I will continue this process for five more weeks and then an evaluation will be done by my oncologist to evaluate how well the treatment is working.  Continue to pray for limited or no side effects and that the current treatment would be destroying, weakening and confusing the cancer cells that still exist.  

Suffering is something we see promised us in the Bible.  Not wanted or desired but part of life in this fallen world.  Romans 8:35 says, "Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall trouble or hardship or persecution or famine or nakedness or danger or sword?"

I have seen God work out so many details, logistics, and grant His favor and grace to our family during the last five weeks that it would take me pages to list them.  I stole this well spoken quote from a John Piper devotional today that explains this well:

"We should not be surprised that God gives us wonderful graces in the midst of suffering that we had asked him to spare us. He knows best how to apportion his grace for our good and for his glory." (sorry I could not un-highlight this, I don't know how to do that)

We have been blessed by fun visits with many of our friends. The Stefflers are our friends from Mexico. They drove for 2 days from Texas just to visit us. 

We had a great time celebrating New Years Eve with our family. 

We have had a lot of quality family time doing regular stuff! 

We were even given the huge blessing of our dog. Our friends all worked very hard to get our dog ready for travel and then brought him to the US so we could all be together! 

God is good and we thank Him for his never-ending grace and mercy.    I love you all you and appreciate your support and prayers.