Monday, March 30, 2009

Hiking the volcano

Today we hiked to the top of a volcano. It is the one pictured here. Not an easy task for an old woman like me! However, we had a great time! It was definitely one of those things that you think you could never do until after you have done it! I was going to post pictures I took today, but I left my camera in our friends car. pics until Thursday. Please continue to pray for my wrist I still have a lot of pain when I try to use it normally. I am still typing one handed. ;o( I promise I will get back to "normal" (Beth, normal is...well...ME!) soon!!! love you all!

Sorry no posts!

Hi everyone, I am still typing with one hand and that is the reason for no new posts. I have news, but i will wait until I can type to give it. More pics to come later today/tomorrow. (Monday)love, Missy

Thursday, March 26, 2009

More pics

Typing with left hand

Someone told me I should put more pics Of our people and how they live on here. SO that is My goal over the next3 Months before we leave for the US. Hope you like them. I will explain what they all are, once I can type with 2 hands! love ya! Missy

Carpal Tunnel

Okay this will be short because I have been diagnosed with carpal tunnel. It isn't that bad yet, but it has gotten kinda bad over the past week. Since a lot of what I do is on the computer... school, blog, newsletter, email, this could be a real pain. I am on medicine that should help it and hopefully I should be back to "normal" soon. Please pray. Thanks. Missy

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Doing 'storying' through pictures

We drew pictures today to help pull all of our 22 stories together in one big picture for our friends. Then we put them up on the wall in our church on a clothes line in the order that they happened in the Bible. Now they can look up and see where something happened in chronological order. It seemed to go over quite well!

More of Mike's visit

Mike's last day

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Samuel and Tiana

This is our friend Samuel with his mommy,Jenell.Tiana is this precious little girl who was playing peek-a-boo for the camera. Isn't she adorable? Did I say Annie hung out with the girls in my post below? I meant girls and boys! ;o)

All the boys on their horses

Annie playing in the dirt

More fun with Mike!

We had an awesome day today and of course an awesome night last night! Mike loved attending our group last night and they have really enjoyed getting to know him! And of course feeding him! Poor guy has eaten at every place we have taken him. Today the boys, Greg, and some missionary friends took Mike and they went horseback riding to the ruins of a nearby volcano. They had a great time! Annie stayed with the girls and had fun playing in the dirt. She can be ALL girl and play in the dirt at the same time! I love that! Tomorrow we are taking the man we hope to be the leader of our church and his family on a day trip for his birthday. This should be a fun day for us all. I will try and post more fun pics tomorrow. love you! Missy

Friday, March 20, 2009

These are some of the pics that were taken yesterday when Mike arrived. His first Mexican restaurant, our neighbor, Mada's kitchen, talking through Skype with his 5 boys in the US, Jerod and Annie in our street with Annie and

Mike is Here!

YAY! Mike has arrived! We couldn't be happier! I must confess that there was a small part of me that was a little worried something would happen this time that would keep him from coming this time as well. So, we are all very happy that he has made it safe and sound. He was greeted by a very loud party down the street that they were having for St. Joseph. This is the day that all of the carpenters celebrate and boy do they celebrate! Since 90% of the workers in our village are carpenters they were all celebrating in honor of carpenters day! (or I guess that is how it would translate!) So as Mike arrived there were bands and dancing and lots of drinking all in his honor, or so it looked!:o) I told him it was because he was THE American Idol!! HAHA! I know it really isn't that funny...but...oh well....;o) I will try and post lots of pictures each day of our experiences with him, as I am sure there will be plenty! We will go to our study tonight and share that with him and then tomorrow we are going to show him the ruins of a volcano.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Popsie and Annie

I need to give you an update on Greg's dad, Boyce or "Popsie" and Annie. Popsie got out of the hospital and is recovering nicely from his pancreatitis. They are still running some tests on him, so please keep him in your prayers if you think about it! I know he would appreciate them!

Annie is doing super!!Her hand is perfect! I know this picture doesn't really give you a very good idea, she was not in the picture taking mood when I was taking this! So, I only got this one. If any of you have any warts you want to get rid of, I am here to tell you, this really works! Well....Duck tape and prayer! The warts disappeared after I asked all of you to pray for healing for her and we also got very dedicated with the duck tape use! So I am not exactly sure which it was, but... the warts, all of them are gone!! So thank you, thank you, thank you for praying for my baby girl! Love you all! Missy

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Mr. Mike is coming!

The big news this week is that Mr. Mike is coming! Last year we had planned to have our first team from our home church come and see exactly what it is that we are doing here. They were planning on coming the week after Annie had her accident. So that was postponed. They changed their plans and spent a week with us in Galveston,TX taking care of us instead of coming here to Mexico. Due to finances not all of the team that was going to come could do so this time, however Mr. Mike a good friend of our family will be coming! He is pictured here with Annie while she was recovering last year. She loves Mr. Mike!!

So, the time has once again arrived for Mike to make the trip here to see us and this time we are praying he will be able to make it here to Mexico and we will be able to have a wonderful time of fun and fellowship!Please pray that all goes well with his travel arrangements, luggage, etc... He will begin his travels on Wednesday to Charlotte,NC and will leave Charlotte and arrive here in Mexico on Thursday. We are excited about being able to share with him everything that God is doing and has done in the short time we have been here! He is sooo good! Please also pray for his wife and 5 boys while Daddy is gone! Thanks for praying! Love you all!! Missy

Monday, March 16, 2009

A Birthday Party!

Yesterday we attended our Goddaughter's birthday party. Her name is Yessica.I thought I would include some pictures of her big day. It is always fun to see how they celebrate such an event. Jerod and Alex taught all of the kids fun, American games like duck,duck,goose and a few others while I helped serve the food. The food they served is called pazole. It is a kind of soup that has a tomato broth with puffed corn in it. It is pretty good but extremely filling! The big custom is the mordita, which is where the birthday girl/boy has to take a bite of the cake and has their face smashed into the cake. Poor little Yessica didn't like it very much, however once everyone had eaten the cake, her parents told my crazy boys they could do it if they wanted to. So of course they thought this was wonderful! As you can see from the pictures! :o)

Please keep praying for our friend, Clay who was burnt in an accident. He is having some tough days and we know that tough days are even tougher without a lot of prayer cover. There isn't a day that goes by that I don't think of all of you who prayed for Annie during those tough days. I say that with sincerity because I see her scars every day and am reminded of just how much worse she could have been. Then I think of Clay and just pray he will have a miraculous recovery like Annie did. Thank you all for your prayers! Don't know where we would be without them!! Love ya!! Missy